Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Following Tommy.....

Today is one of those days when I have spent most of my time in what I call "left field".  It's the kind of day when I am out of sync with the rest of the world.....a few steps behind and definitely marching to my own drummer,to music only I can here.

I wanted to write today, however my muse went to New Orleans for Fat Tuesday and probably hasn't sobered up yet! The story I had in mind never materialized.  

I made a stab at cleaning house and thought there must be something more creative  and fun to do than that. I can always clean house when it rains.  That may be tomorrow.

Tommy comes up with an idea to go to Harbor Freight, in Columbia, and buy some sort of saw. Then  stop by Little Dixie and take some photos.  Fine by me. So off we go. 

I am following him in the store as he looks for the perfect saw to cut arrows.  I did not see one thing I wanted or for the most part even knew what I was looking at. I was ready to leave in 5 minutes. Didn't happen.  So I wandered off to look for shop lifters. They are in every store. Some are slick and others are boneheads....all are thieves. They were either good or I struck out today.  However, I did run across one young man who was interesting to observe from a distance.

He was working the check out lane. Tall, slender, long brown hair and a big spot of dirt on his forehead. At first I thought it was a birth mark however, the closer I looked, it was black soot in the mark of an X.  First person I think of is Charles Manson.  I mentally ruled him out because Manson is old, short, crazy as hell and still in prison.

Since the boy wasn't doing anything interesting, other than wearing dirt, I lost interest and to my delight Tommy comes up behind me and says he is ready to go. We are in the dirty boy's lane as we check out. Good, I wanted a closer look.  

To my complete and utter surprise, Tommy says to the young man,"Hey man, I don't  know if anyone told you or not but you have a big smudge of dirt on your forehead."  I was shocked. The man behind us said and I quote,"It's Ash Wednesday!! Christians mark their foreheads as a sign to God"  Utter silence. When my wonderful husband who is never at a loss for words says, "No shit!"

That is just about the time we got our heathen butts out of there and fast!!!!

I have gone to church all my life and never once have we done this.
If you are lucky enough to live long enough, you can learn something new just about every day, especially if you follow Tommy around.

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