It is the same with my daughters. They were first my babies, then my little girls. Truthfully, part of me has kept them in my mind and heart as little girls and that is fine with me. However, I enjoy the women they have become. Without a doubt they are the funniest, most creative women I know. There are times when I think we could take our show on the road. At this time in my life, they are my best friends. Tommy and I adore them and their spouses. Laughter is good for the mind, heart and soul. We laugh a lot when we all get together. It is a cleansing time and a renewal from all the crap going on in the world.
And then came Rowan. She is a new spark in our lives. There is something magical about babies. And Rowan is about as magical as they come. When I whisper in her ear, I call her 'Bean'. The first time I saw her ultrasound she looked like a little bean. I remember thinking, "There is my little Bean and I love him or her."
When Lacey or Melodi walk into a room, Rowan lights up. When Tommy and Rowan interact, she coos and laughs and kicks her little feet. She adores his voice. I do too. Now Ro likes me and talks to me but I think my glasses are debatable with her. I take them off and she is happy. Me, on the other hand, can not see up close so my new love is a bit of a blur. It is a trade off in that department.
Life is good...very, very good in my corner of the world.
To be continued...we had to return home and what a trip it was!!
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