Sunday, June 29, 2014

Chasing Rainbows and Splashing in Puddles...

It is the unexpected occurrence's or blessings in life that have always made me want to get up around 5 a.m. in the morning. When I was a little girl, I woke up early because I didn't want to miss anything; not much has changed in 65 years.  I still don't want to miss anything. I like watching the world wake up. It is my time of the day. Rising early last Saturday, not a second was wasted. 

 Tami had her 20 year high school reunion to attend.  I still can't wrap my mind around that fact. The kids and I had the day and most of the night to ourselves. We went swimming at the pool in the afternoon. We were at the pool close to three hours when a rain cloud appeared. It got larger and darker, then it thundered and everyone was through swimming. It was a mass migration of large butted people as the whistle blew. I swear the water level dropped 3 feet after we all got out:)  Lightning occurred once...once was enough. We were on the way to the car in record time.

We drove home, changed clothes; twenty minutes later the first storm passed. Once again, we hopped in the car to get something to eat. As we began eating, the sky started to grow dark again.  We looked for 'visions' in the clouds. We witnessed many cloud formations of animals, people, birds and dragons.  The clouds were ready to play,  changing formations almost as fast as the eye could blink.  The sky continued to grow darker. We made the unanimous decision to get out of 'Dodge' fast.  We were home as soon as the skies opened up and poured torrents of rain.

It stormed for about thirty minutes, stopping as fast as it started. Jacy and I were sitting on the couch drying our hair, when both of us shouted at the same time "RAINBOWS!"  We were out the door in a swoosh of excitement. Jacy grabbed her camera. 

She took some gorgeous pictures of the rainbows. We had a double rainbow for about ten minutes. The second one would fade then peek again as the sun caught its rays.  It was the prettiest sight I had seen in a long time. The colors were vivid. The rainbow stayed in the sky for at least 20 minutes. The house across the street blocked our view of the end of the bow, so once again we were back in the car in search of the 'end of the rainbow.'  At the park we could see it all perfectly. It stirred something fresh, new and alive in both of us.  We were stomping through water puddles. The water was extra warm and in places momentarily deep. Words were not needed because laughter and giggles wrote their own sonnets.

Jacy is jumping for joy as the rainbow slowly began to fade away. The sun played tag with her, causing the rainbow to reemerge but all too soon it was gone.


The only words I had going through my mind and still are, were parts of I think a Bruno Mars song "I've got the magic in me when I see..." Magic a great word to describe rainbows.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Visiting Key West...Bucket List Number...15...

We stopped on the island of Islamorada, our last patch of grass,  before we were in Key West.  Sunset was about two hours away. As we were unpacking the car we could hear a band playing in the distance. We were pretty sure we knew where we were going to dine that night. The smell of the ocean was everywhere, temperatures were beginning to cool and we were ready to be out of the van for at least the next 12 hours.

We walked  in the direction of the music and followed the aromas.  Suddenly we rounded a corner and straight ahead was Number 15 on my Bucket... The Lorelei Restaurant and Cabana Bar.  In my imagination I have dined here every evening I thought of Key West,  even though I did not know it existed.  My imagination was coming to life right before my eyes. I was beyond excited.

The place is gorgeous,  spacious and  expensive.  As we walked  closer to the restaurant we passed a marina with every kind of boat and yacht  imaginable. I smelled money, lots of money. I looked at my pink flip flops and laughed.


We decided to eat in the Cabana Bar area. It was huge, outside with a full blown party in progress.  A band played while we dined,  as we were finishing a magician began to perform. Lynn and I were like two spider our chairs and up and gone to take a photo of the sunset and harbor. The colors were ten points beyond perfect.

Everything about the night was what I was hoping Key West would hold.  This was just the beginning.

As strange as this may sound, I do not remember what I ate. I know it was delicious and the Margaritas were outstanding...all three of them.  I was soaking up the atmosphere, watching people, taking mental notes while letting my muse party with the band.

The night was beautiful. Each photo taken of the sky and water were more beautiful than the one before, yet none of them could capture what we were experiencing.  Some shots were close however, close isn't there.


I had my 'perfect night' in Key West and it was every bit as exciting as my imaginary trips have been.  My photos do not do it justice. When I check number 15 off my Bucket List I will put a star by it...a well earned star. Number 16 is a few hours away.  The southern most part of the United States, Key West...I will be there tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Lisa's Graduation...

    Of all the photos taken of Lisa on her graduation day;  this is my favorite.  When I look at this picture I see pure joy, immense pride and love...lots of love. 

   As I sat in the crowd waiting for the graduation ceremony to begin; I was surrounded by family, friends and hundreds of strangers.  Soon I found myself watching Lisle, Lisa's husband.  I watched him as he sat in deep thought waiting for the ceremony to begin. He was nervous, excited, proud and probably very tired.  I knew all those feelings first hand. 

   When the graduates entered the Germain Arena, all family eyes were searching for their loved ones as they began to find their seats in the center of the stadium.  We finally spotted Lisa. She was on the other side of the arena but would receive her diploma and descend the stage on our side. We could see her however Lisa had no clue where we were sitting.  It was enough that she knew we were all there somewhere.

   At last everyone is seated and the program begins.  Lisle leans forward with his hands on his knees and his eyes transfixed on Lisa. He watches her intently.  I don't know what he was thinking but I know that look and I was so proud for both of them. He was remembering.  Lisa worked hard for this day.  It was time to enjoy the moment.

   This past year has been a roller coaster ride in their lives. The highs and lows were extreme and continuous. It was anything but easy...and it isn't over yet.

   Now it was my turn to watch Lisa. I remembered moments in her life.  I am very proud of the woman she has become. I held Tommy's hand  remembering little snippets of stories about Lisa and important moments with equal relish. Tommy was doing the same thing. The little girl in Lisa always comes to the forefront in my memory.  Has there ever been a prettier smile?

   Congratulations Lisa Jaye Carter Lewis for receiving your Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology.  You earned it sweetheart.                                        


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Painting with Jacy and Logan...

I often say 'it doesn't take much to make me happy'. This statement has become  a life long truth. I am easy to please.  I look for pleasure everywhere I go and when I find happiness, I savor it.  For me it is an easy way to live.

  Life goes by too fast not to make the most of where you are and what you are able to do. Time is not a limitless quantity. There is an expiration date on all of us. 

I have discovered in my life,  happiness often comes in little unplanned spurts. If not followed through they can be gone in a second as a missed opportunity.   I know this to be a fact because it happened to me once again last Thursday. For about an hour I received a blessing, I did not see coming. My grandchildren wanted to paint pictures with me.

Jacy and Logan spent the night with us. Twenty four hours isn't a lot of time to do all the things we had planned. We had a bonfire, roasted hot dogs and got full before we could make the smores. The kids shot bow and arrows, walked all around to see what new things nature had sprouted and played with the dogs. 

Eventually they decided they would like to paint a picture. Jacy picked yellow and orange day lilies  and Logan picked a sail boat on rough water. I was so excited. This is a dream come true for me. Since I was a little girl, I loved art and painting. To share this experience with my grandchildren was a pleasure. Below is the first photo of the kids as they begin to paint. I hope it is the first of many days to come. 

 We have always, finger painted, colored, used kids water colors and at times colored pencils. Thursday was the first time to use my supplies... my canvas', my paints, my brushes, my room. I loved it!

The music was loud, while the kids were quiet as they focused on their projects.  The pictures didn't get completed, however they are waiting for Jacy and Logan's next visit. It was a good day in my corner of the world. What more can a grandmother ask for? Hmmm maybe, just maybe those 'smores' too.