Monday, August 12, 2013

It Really Doesn't Take Much to Make me Happy....

                                                                                                         For me today was slow and easy compared to the whirl wind, mind blowing, head banging,  hammer throwing days of the past six weeks. There was only one item on my 'to do list' that had to be done. I had to clean the floor so I can paint it tomorrow. Once it is dried, I will be ready to move in. I mopped the floor four times. The mission accomplished in less than two hours, leaving me delighted and free.

The rest of the day was slow and easy. It rained off and on all day, putting me in a mellow mood. Our area has missed most of the rain and storms that has played havoc with southern Missouri for weeks.  We really did need a day of slow, easy rain.

I had moved all my junk out of the room we are building except for my rocking chair. This  chair belonged to the State Hospital about 20 years ago. Every year the state has a sale and gets rid of some of their old furniture and bad ideas. The rocking chair was a mixture of both  'old furniture and bad ideas.' 

These chairs used to line the buildings, sidewalks and outside  porches where patients smoked, rocked and listened to their radios and the voices in there minds. Either enjoying a day of peace and solitude or waiting for the internal storm to surface causing havoc to be reaped on anyone in their immediate vicinity.  Unfortunately, every so often a fight would break out and the rocking chairs became weapons or missiles. Eventually it was decided that the chairs had to go, they were too heavy and dangerous.  Soon these chairs  were replaced by other chairs much lighter in weight that also from time to time, became weapons or missiles.

One of our friends bought about 20 of those rocking chairs at the sale.  Slowly, over the years he has given them away. He had one left and gave it to me a couple of weeks ago. I love it. It is painted red and has a home in the sun room.

Today I sat in that old rocking chair, watching it rain while listening to Kenny Chesney's new C.D.   It was a perfect morning.   I had a cup of coffee within arm's reach. I sat rocking, looking and listening for about two hours. My mind was free falling most of that time. I mentally filled the room up with things I love. I thought of a new characters name for a story I have yet to write. I remembered friends and family, mentally recalling some very funny, good times.  In my minds eye, I got a glimpse of what my future may hold. I liked what I saw. 

Tommy promised me he would build me a room of my own and he did. I helped, but by and large he built it.  He put a lot of love and effort into our adventure. It is everything I wanted and then some.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

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