Sunday, January 21, 2018

Sometimes I Need to be Near a Large Body of Water. . .

  I do not believe in astrology.  I think it is fun to read at times but that is as far as my belief goes.  According to the stars, I am an Aries, belonging to the fire signs.  Fire does speak to me. I get lost in the beauty of our fire pit and all the stories that leap from the flames. I don't think I ever miss fire. Maybe that is because we use our fire pit so much. I do know that I need to be near a large body of water more often than not.  Today was one of those days.  With that thought in mind, Tommy and I decided to go to Portland and watch the river and walk the trails.  We knew the river should be thawing some by now. The temperatures were in the mid-sixties. Huge chunks of frozen white, blue and brown ice rushed by us as we stood on the banks of the Missouri River. The roar of the rushing water was loud and unrelenting as it rushed past us. It seemed to be in a hurry to reach the Mississippi River.  I know the feeling. As much as I love the Missouri River it will never take the place of the Mississippi River and my love for Columbus, Kentucky. 
    Today, as we stood on the banks of the Missouri River we heard hundreds of geese and ducks across the river. We could barely see them but their voices were loud and proud. They seemed to be enjoying their side of the river as much as we were enjoying our side.  Perhaps the birds felt like we were intruding on their Sunday afternoon.    

     It was a long shot to take of the birds. I know they are there but I doubt if anyone else can see them.  Looking at this photo is a good memory for us. Tommy and I walked down the Katie Trail, looking for the hidden caves, crevasses and barren cottonwood trees. Without a doubt cottonwood, Aspen, and birch trees with their whitebark contrast among the rest of the dark wooded trees are some of my favorite trees to photograph and paint. When I look at the woods in winter I see life. Several places had green weeds trying to grow. It is too early for them but I give them A for effort. These plants are hardy and have been here a long time. As it is stated in "Jurassic Park", nature will find a way. I believe it does.

   As we walked along I photographed every tree, rock and river shot that caught my attention. I enjoy the ledges and rocks that were carved in the midst of the woods along the river banks to make a road called the Katie Trail. Vehicles are not allowed on it. Bikes, pedestrians, and the remanents of Mother Nature are the only ones allowed to walk the trail. We saw a lot of deer trails leading down to the river. We also saw several caves that looked interesting.  I asked Tommy if he thought any Osage Indians ever lived and loved in these bluff

caves.  You would have thought I had asked if the antichrist was purple!! He said, "For heaven's sake!!!  Where do you get these ideas???" He walked on down the trail laughing. Hmmm, 'they
 ran through my mind as I was walking along and I said the words
out loud,' I thought.  After a lifetime together, you would think he would be used to these random thoughts. Evidently not! I see a story or a painting everywhere I go. I enjoy photographing this knothead I married. At times, he is as big a mystery as the caves I see on the road to Jefferson City. At other times he is as comfortable and familiar as my first taste of coffee in the morning. It was a good day in our corner of the world.  I hope it was for everyone.


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