Thursday, February 17, 2011

Love Story--Revisited

          In 1970 Erich Segal published his first novel, entitled "Love Story". It became the number one best selling book of that year. 

          Tommy and I had been married about three months and were having our first argument.  It was Easter Sunday and I missed my Mama!!!  There was no way we could go to Ky. We were in the military stationed in Atlanta and were flat broke.  I seldom got homesick. I liked being on our own---just the two of us.  It was definitely  something I think every newlywed couple needs ,time alone to help cement their relationship, but on that day, I wanted to go to church with my mother and out to lunch and shopping.....just like we had done for years.

          I was in the bedroom crying.  Tommy was laying on the couch watching t.v. and trying to figure out what to do with me.  He felt bad that he couldn't take me home.  I heard the t.v. shut off and the door shut. I cried more!!!!  In about thirty minutes, Tommy came back home with a copy of "Love Story".  He gave me a hug and a kiss, told me to stop crying and get lost in this book.  He went back to watching t.v. and I grabbed that book, like it was manna from heaven.
         I grabbed the quilt off the bed, the pillows and went into our walk in closet---made myself a bed on our nearly empty closet floor.  Immediately, life began to look better.  It was just as good as I thought it would be. I laughed to myself and cried even more. It was such a touching love story ----and I was in the right frame of mind to enjoy it to the fullest.

        The book is only 125 pages long, so I had it read in a short period of time.  I was still in the closet, when Tommy came to check on me.  I was still crying, only this time it was because of the book.

       He opened the door--cautiously-- and said, "Now why are you crying?"  I jumped up and was in his arms before he could get the door shut.  Needless to say, we made up and ended up having a wonderful afternoon.  Then we went for a long walk and I told Tommy all about the book.  He listened as I quoted the famous line "Love means never having to say you are sorry."  We talked about that for awhile.  And both decided that although it was a catchy phrase, it was wrong.  Love means you are always saying "You are sorry". 

          Saying you are sorry, clears the air, rights wrongs and helps to ease the hurt of harsh words spoken in anger.  Saying you are sorry is like an aloe balm, applied to an open sore.  It is soothing, kind and healing. 

         It is also a necessary part of life. Taking responsibility for our words and actions, is just part of being an imperfect human. It is necessary to be able to say these words and to mean them.  For us, it has been said quite a few times in these past 41 years.  I am glad we learned that lesson early in our marriage.  After all, I can only stay in a walk in closet just so long!!!
           This picture was taken on Valentines Day 2011.  P.S. I got a book for Valentines Day, too.....and I didn't even have to cry!!!


  1. Im glad to have found your blog vicky
    and now i know where you are. i'll check everyday.

    Sending lots of love to you.
    Hugs, Ria
