Thursday, April 4, 2013

Happy Birthday Tommy...

Yesterday was Tommy's 65th birthday.  It was our 43rd birthday to celebrate together as a married couple. Truthfully, seeing these words written in black and white seems like a lie. I know it is the truth but the idea of being 65 is foreign to me. We should still be in our 40's.  We have a daughter who just turned 42 in January. Sooo that means once again my math is lousy and my memory is worse.....but my imagination is in great shape!!

I asked Tommy if he felt 65, expecting him to think like I do and say "Of course not!" Instead he came out with a "Hell yes I feel 65!! In the past 3 years I have nearly died 3 times. Of course I feel 65!!"  Well hit me with a butter knife!!!  I didn't know he felt that strongly about his birthday or about aging.  I would have to ask this question during our first cup of coffee for the day. My timing was lousy. Our day went down hill from there.

He couldn't decide what he wanted to do. It was too chilly to go fishing. He didn't want anything WalMart had in stock. He didn't want to go to Harbor Freight, his favorite store or to go out to eat. He would have been content to go back to bed, pull the covers over his head and sleep the day away.

To make matters worse we had an argument over 'his apple pie' that WE bought on April 2nd.  Plans were already made to go to Logan's Wrestling Team's awards dinner on the night of the 3rd. Every family attending was supposed to bring a dish. I 'donated' his pie. I told him we would buy him another one on the way home. He threw a 'Carter' fit. I was not taking HIS apple pie anywhere. I was shocked. It is not like Tommy never eats an apple pie. He has apple pie anytime he wants one.  We buy it at WalMart, for goodness sake. I couldn't believe we were arguing like two little kids over an apple pie....on his special day....but we were.  So we go to Logan's dinner and did not take anything! No one cared. There was enough food left over to feed a third world country.

Eventually, he got in a good mood. We enjoyed seeing Tami, Jacy, and Logan. Aaron ate with us so that was an added plus. The food was delicious. The program was really good. All the hard work the boys, coaches and families put into the wrestling club paid off. To add to the pleasure, Tami bought Tommy his own coconut cream pie.  Thank God.

As we were getting ready to leave, the announcer said, "Do we have a Tommy Carter here tonight?"  Tommy waved and yelled, "Over here". That is when the announcer asked everyone to sing "Happy Birthday" to Tommy. He loved it. I took his picture while the crowd sang to him. I love that smile. Whose idea was it to sing, "Happy Birthday" to Tommy? It was Logan's, our grandson and that made it even more special.

Today is the 4th. The big day is over. Does Tommy feel better? The answer to that is "No!" We are both coming down with a cold.  He feels lousy. The thermostat went out in our car on the way home last night. We drove for an hour in the cold night air.   Sometimes days just don't pan out the way we planned. 

However, Saturday is my birthday......we are going out to dinner with Jody and Bambi. I want to go to "Hooter's"'s gonna be fun....I hope.     

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