Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Delightful Unexpected Visit from My Pastor

I have a bad case of Spring Fever. I am through with winter snows and the after effects of snow--mud!!! I am ready for the land to dry, the grass to grow and the fish to bite. However, I am pushing the limits just a tad bit because we are knee deep in mud as the last of few inches of snow slowly melt away.  Rain is in the forecast for the next 3 days. We need the water and we are stuck with the mud. Easter is only a few days away. According to my grandmother, Mamamae after Easter Spring officially begins. For me this means 'Spring Cleaning' has already begun at my home.

Yesterday, I was sorting laundry when the phone rang. It was a bad connection and all I heard was, "Do your dogs bite?"  Not recognizing the voice I said, "WHY?"  The man asked again,"Do your dogs bite?" I told him "no not really', still leaving room for him to doubt what I said because I had no clue who I was talking to and why he wanted to know if my dogs bit!   That is when I look out the window and see our Pastor and his wife,  Bro. Mike and Sister Judy sitting in my muddy driveway. A million thoughts ran through my mind, first how I was dressed---pitiful to say the least. Had I combed my hair since I woke up from a short nap?  Probably not.  What was I going to do with all my dirty clothesStuff them in laundry baskets fast.

I ran to the back door where my 2 dogs were trying to surround the car. I yelled that the dogs wouldn't bite but they might jump on them. Thank goodness they did neither. I should have run back inside and put on Tommy's knee boots and helped them in but I didn't think of that until they were leaving. 

Brother Mike and Sister Judy are my idea of really good Christian people.  They are very non judgmental.  I have told them things that were shocking and still they prayed for me and with me. I never once felt judged by them.  When Bro. Mike prays, God listens. He has His ear, in a world filled with doubt, that is one thing I know to be true.

I am sure they didn't mind the 6 laundry baskets in the living room floor. I did.  I should have moved all 6 baskets to the den but once again I didn't think of it until they had left. We had a good visit. They invited us to Easter services. 

They both liked the way I had created a writing nook in the den.  I have a bulletin board with quotes on the wall behind my computer. The one I see first is from my niece, Terry. She sent this to me last week. "Don't forget -- no one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell." by Charles de Lint. I love that quote and her.  As we were talking about the room and quotes, I see the one quote I would not want my pastor to read--right in the middle of the board. It says and I will paraphrase it, "Don' 'Mess' With Me!" I don't know if they read it or not. I certainly didn't mention it. It is still there and will probably remain because there are days when that is exactly how I feel.

Yesterday was a good day. I enjoyed their visit. Tommy arrived home as they were leaving. He helped run interference with the dogs and the mud. I finally remembered to put on my boots and held Sabella's collar so she wouldn't 'herd' them out of the driveway. As soon as they left I ran in the bathroom to see what I looked like. Let's just put it this way, Bro. Mike fights Satan daily----my appearance and home was good practice for him yesterday:)



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