Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall.........

Jacy Rayne is an amazing little girl. She is on the cusp of growing up, although she is  not ready to give up her childhood just yet, for that I am thankful. She reveals herself a little bit at a time. The snippet's come unexpectedly. If you ask her a direct question, she will answer it without much detail. I have found it is best to wait and let her lead the way.

WalMart opened all sorts of doors for Jacy to lead me through. I needed help picking out Logan's birthday present. She knew exactly what he wanted....'Sky Landers'. When I started walking to the toy department, she took my hand and said softly, "No, Nonnie it is a computer game. I will show you where it is."  And she did.

While I was picking out a 'hair color enhancer', I asked her if she needed any special shampoo or lotion. Very grown up she replied, "No I have all I need. I bought new razors the other day." Then she paused and said almost in a whisper, "I shave my legs now." I smiled making small talk and thinking, "this amazing eleven year old little girl is my granddaughter. What a privilege it is to be part of her life." Also I remembered the first time I shaved my legs, I had so much fun I shaved my left arm!!!

We went to the toy section and she picked out a very ugly doll with a head the size of a watermelon and the body of a toothpick. She packed it around for awhile and then put it back saying, "I really don't play with dolls much anymore." I told her I still played with dolls until I was 12 or 13, of course all the dolls were dating Paul McCartney. She asked, "Who is that?" I groaned and felt a tad bit old. She wanted a new poster for her room. It is a picture of a guy named 'Harry' who is in a group with four other boys. Harry now hangs on her wall, across the room is 'Jake" from Twilight.....I purchased him.

As we walked down the Easter candy isle, Jacy told me  she "knew the truth about the Easter Bunny." She made me promise not to let Logan know. She went on to say "Now, I still believe in Santa Claus"...'me too darling, me too' I said....both of us smiling.

Jacy wanted to eat lunch at Subway. She ordered for herself, getting an Italian BMT with spinach on it. I was shocked. She is a very picky eater and to think she ordered spinach leaves on her sandwich was really a surprise. 

Later Tommy and Jacy made homemade chocolate chip cookies. They were delicious, there are only two left, both will be gone as soon as  I finish this blog.

It is fun watching children grow up. Logan will be 9 on April 1st. He goes to the State Wrestling Tournament next weekend. Jacy will spend the night with us again on Friday night. I wonder what 'secrets' she will share next week? Whatever they are, I am more than ready to listen.


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