Monday, March 4, 2013

Sometimes Mistakes are a Blessing....

Tommy and I drove to the river a few days before the snow began falling. We walked and looked at how shallow the water level is this time of year. When all the snows up North melt in the Spring, the water will flow toward our river, the Missouri will hopefully rise from the dead. I have never seen her as a low, or as dry or as many sandbars showing as it has now. It no longer resembles our river. 

One of our fishing places is at Portland. Tommy likes to fish there. I don't. There is an eddy and I stay in that darn thing, hung up on brush and tree trunks the whole time we are there. Today I saw what I have been fighting for 15 years if not more. The spot where I fish is down at least 25 or 30 feet. There is no eddy. I saw a rock dyke that I didn't know was there. It was close to 350 feet long.  No wonder I couldn't fish that spot!  I always thought it was a pretty area but hard on night crawlers.  After seeing the river on that Sunday, I no longer feel bad. I also will not fish there again. It would be pointless. Only with a great amount of luck could I catch a fish in that spot.
 We walked up and down the river, slowly taking in the changes. I was looking for any loose human bones. There is no telling how many people have been killed and dumped in that river. I didn't find a single bone but I did find a noose hanging from a tree. All of this should have been under water except for the base of the tree. Of course my imagination had a great time with the noose. Tommy just laughed and said he will be glad when I pull in a skull one day and get the crap scared out of me!! I laughed and thumped him in the head. I have to be careful not to hurt him---so I know that hard head of his is safe.

We stayed a little longer, walked out on the dyke. We saw huge trees, rocks and boulders that were either there under the water for years or had been washed up this winter.

Tommy found a couple of old fishing lures, while I took the picture at the beginning of the blog. It looks like the sun is shining brightly, but it wasn't. It was a flash mistake by my camera. A glare from the water. The more I looked at the picture the better I liked the mistaken shot. In fact, I liked everything about it.  That photo has a lot in common with the river, the photo is deceiving. Nothing is where it is supposed to be. It is the same way with the river. It too has changed and is very deceiving.  To me that made it all more interesting.  It was a good afternoon for us to ramble around. The mistakes were an added bonus.

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