The lightning ripped the heavens apart, one piece at a time. The rains pounded the wet muddy earth and helped to fill the low rivers and creeks. The rain was much needed in our part of the country.
Unfortunately our dogs do not understand our need for rain and find the storms terrifying. Sabella a German Shepherd and Sandy a yellow lab who is slowly turning white with age, were miserable all night. All they knew for sure was something scary was going on outside and I needed to be up checking on whatever it was scaring them. Last night was a long sleepless night for the girls. They wanted company and I wanted to sleep.
The first time I remember getting up was about 12:30. I thought they needed to go potty because Sabella had scratched at our bedroom door. I find my way to the back door with my dogs in tow. When I opened the door I expected the girls to run out the door. Instead when I opened the door a huge lightning bolt lit up the back yard and the girls ran back to the living room. Sandy jumped in her recliner and put her paws over her eyes. Sabella ran under the kitchen table and hid. So I went potty and then back to bed. I told them not to wake me up again unless they really, really had to go potty....end of story!
I slept a couple more hours while the house shook from the thunder and a lightning. Sabella was once again at the door scratching for me to get up. I did. Our power was off, leaving the girls without their night light in the living room. Sabella missed her light. There was nothing I could do about that and she was highly offended. I sat down on the couch. She slunk over to me. I stroked her head and tried to calm her nerves. About that time the storm kicked in again. Sabella took off for the kitchen table and Miss Sandy remained in her rocking chair with her eyes shut tight. I gave up and went back to bed. I may have slammed my bedroom door.
Sometime later in the night I heard scratching at our door. I yell "Get away from that door before I shoot you all!!" That woke Tommy up---sort of. He snatched my pillow saying, "I am nowhere near the door". I grab my pillow back and put it over my head trying to go back to sleep. Tommy was sound asleep in a few seconds. That is when Linda Ronstadt's song ran through my mind. I heard her singing it until I finally went to sleep. When I woke up everything was back to normal.....or as normal as we ever get around here.
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