Thursday, June 6, 2013

One of Those Nights When Heaven Provided a Magic Show...

Nights in southern Florida are beautiful by any standard. While visiting Lisa and Lisle we made a point of walking 'Little Girl', their dog nightly around 9 p.m. The day was over and the night shift was in the process of taking over the sky.

The week we were there it was a full moon. At night Mother Nature played in the sky. Each and every sunset, whether on the bridge going to Marco Island, at the ocean or in their back yard was an artist competition everyone could attend.

The flowers smell better at night. The heat of the day is over, there has either been a pop up thunder storm or home owners have watered their plants. The smell of night jasmine fills the air at one home. Down the street another flower will be enticing the air with aromas unknown but bewitching to the nostrils.

As we walk down the street we see the night reflected in all the canals. The sky looks as beautiful in the water as it does in the heavens.  The full moon casts golden ripples on the canal water. 

One night while we were staring at the moon, a meteor began its descent to extinction. It was under the moon and to the far right as it began to move across the heavens. I have never seen a meteor last that long. Although it moved quickly, time stopped for us as we watched the meteor sail across the sky,  leaving a long tail behind. After it had passed the moon and was on its downward spiral, it did the most amazing thing.  It broke into 3 meteors and each one moved across the sky like a well planned Fourth of July fireworks display.  As quickly as the meteor appeared and soared for maybe 30 seconds, it was gone. We watched as each tail and rock disappeared forever. The sight left us all amazed and filled with some of the magic we had just witnessed.

There are some sights, some smells, some touches, and a few kisses that need to be stashed in the corner of our mind that belongs only to the magic in our lives. That night was one I have stored away for safe keeping. It can be summoned quickly when I need a dose of the awesome power of the heavens. 

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