Sunday, October 18, 2015

Did I Ever Tell You About Waking up on the Operating Table??

   The year was 1983. I had a super bad case of the flu. The kind of flu people get when they hope the flu will not kill them; however they are so sick it wouldn't matter much if it did. I was that kind of sick. Finally, I drug my wazoo to the doctor's office. While there I told my doctor about some other 'oddities' going on in my body at the time. He sweetly told me there was nothing he could do about the flu. I had to ride it out and next year be sure and get a flu shot. However, he very softly said I needed to have a hysterectomy as soon as possible. I could not believe what I was hearing, so gentle man that he was, he said it again, "You need to have a hysterectomy as soon as possible." I remember saying, "I can't-- I have the flu!!" He laughed, I cried. We talked for about twenty minutes longer while he recommended a surgeon in Columbia. A month later I had surgery.

   The next month flew by and before I knew it, I was in the hospital waiting to have surgery the next morning. The surgical team made their rounds and talked to me about what to expect the next day. The last member of the team to visit me was the anesthesiologist. He was a good looking young man about my age. He explained the drug they would be using the next day on me. He told me there would be a slight chance I might wake up on the operating table. He assured me this was close to 'one in a million chance' but it could happen. He assured me I would not feel anything if I woke up and he would immediately put me back to sleep. When he was finished he asked me if I had any questions. Apparently I said 'no' and he walked out the door. He made it about half way down the hall when I called out to him, "Did you just say, I might wake up on the operating table?" He laughed, turned around and came back to my room. He explained the procedure once again to me; assuring me I had nothing to worry about. Then he left again.

  It was the next morning before I knew it. I was scheduled to be the first surgery so I didn't have long to wait. Tommy was there and I told him what the team said the night before. He laughed, reassuring me there was no way the  doctors would let me wake up on the operating table. Famous last words!

   Someone pushing a gurney came to get me. Soon I was on my way to surgery. I was prepped and asleep in a matter of minutes. Everything was routine until halfway through the surgery I WOKE UP! I remember the operating room was freezing cold, there was rock music playing and I was staring at my masked doctor who happened to be holding my uterus. He was as surprised to see me as I was to see him. However, he said, "Mrs. Carter no worries it is not cancer. I am sending it to the lab but you will be fine." Then I started getting the dry heaves. The doctor said, "Put her out! Put her out NOW!" I heard the anesthesiologist say, "Good night honey"  It felt like he touched the back of my ear, then I was out instantly.

   The next day everyone visited me again. They could not believe I woke up on the operating table. Well, neither could I. We were laughing about it. Tommy couldn't believe it happened. He said, "I guess this proves you are literally one in a million." I remind him of this fact, from time to time . I made some sort of list in the gynecology journal department. I have had several surgeries since then and slept through the procedures. Thank goodness. The one thing I wish I could remember was the name of the song that was playing in the OR room when I woke up. It was a good song but for the life of me I cannot remember the name.

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