Thursday, September 19, 2013

Four Days in September...

Last week I spent four days with my grandchildren while Tami went to a Joyce Meyer's convention in St. Louis. I thought I was all prepared, ready to be 'Super Nonnie' with everything under control. After all I raised 3 daughters and we all survived!  What could possibly go wrong?  Famous last words. In a nut shell the answer is I never raised a little boy...Tommy is still a work in progress, so the results are not in on him yet. However, Logan has me wrapped around his little finger...and he knows it!  Jacy does too but it comes natural with us. It has been this way since she was a baby. I belonged to her then and I still do.

Thursday night Logan and I went out to eat. It was just the two of us, since Jacy had swim practice in Columbia and Aaron was taking her. She wouldn't be home until around 8 p.m.

He wanted Mexican food. It sounded great to me so we drive to the restaurant. On the way he tells me, "Nonnie, you pay for dinner and I will buy dessert." I told him I would be happy to pay for both, however he insisted.  After we ate and I was paying the bill, Logan takes off around the corner and comes back with a little brown paper sack. I asked him what was in it and he proudly brings out 3 sticks of what I used to call "laffy taffy'.  He proudly lets me pick the one I want and says he hopes I enjoy my dessert. It was the best laffy taffy I have ever eaten:) Did I mention Logan is 9 years old:)

Before bed time we were getting our time frame ready for the next morning. They go to different schools and for once I wanted to get the right kid at the right school on the first try!  Bingo!! I did it!! This was a big deal to me. First time ever in fact and more importantly I found them when school was out!!!  

However, before the kids go to school the dogs have to pee. I took it upon myself to 'help' the kids by taking the dogs out. Max has to be on a leash and Precious has no bladder control once her kennel door is open. The back door better be open and no one should be in her way.  Once she is done, she takes off to pee in the neighbors yards also and visit for awhile.
When Precious crosses the street, I am outside in shorts and a tank top, barefooted with my hair on fire because is hasn't been brushed yet, yelling at the top of my lungs, "Precious get your wazoo back in the yard right now!!"  The time was 6:30 a.m. I grab the dog and run back inside, as lights pop on in several of Tami's neighbors homes. Hmmm so much for neighbors. I live in the country and have I remember why!

Friday night we go to Subway to eat. We love that place. On the drive everyone is saying what they are getting. We get inside and Logan changes his mind. He wants a foot long BMT. I told him "No, because he couldn't eat it all and we had already decided what we were getting."  We go round and round. The man waiting on us had no sense of humor until 6 little cheerleaders came in to eat. Then he was Happy! Happy! Happy!!!

I finally cave getting Logan the foot long sandwich. The man waiting on us, gives me the ole "You Sucker" look.  Back at our table everyone is eating, laughing, talking and watching the other customers. After Logan has eaten the first part of his sandwich, he is full.  I didn't say anything. I wanted to see what he would do.  He let out a small burp followed by 3 long sighs as he picked up his other half of the sandwich. He took a bite and I said, "So are you still hungry?" He says, "Yep I could eat two of these!!"  We shall see little boy.  He moves the lettuce around, adjusts the spinach and rearranges the meat on the sandwich...and he takes another bite. I asked him if he was full and he said, "well, kinda." I told him he didn't have to eat it but never again was he to order a foot long sandwich. He sighed, agreed and grabbed the food up and threw it in the trash before I could get out the words, "we can take it home with us".  Half way home he says "Nonnie, I love you." "I love you too you little stinker".

The next morning was football practice which Logan decided started at 7:30. I am up and ready, coffee in hand and off we go to wherever practice was to be held. When we get there only girls are having softball practice. We wait. I ask him again if we are at the right place and the right time. By now his positive attitude has dissolved. He thinks maybe he has the wrong time so we send an SOS to Tami and sure enough, practice starts at 8:30. We are heading back home when I run a 4 way stop sign. The sun was in my eyes and I really did not see it. Logan goes ballistic, "Nonnieadimos, you just ran a stop sign!!!  Oh my Gosh, you ran a stop sign!!!  You could get arrested!!"  He was literally bouncing off the walls. I look in my rear view mirror and yep there was the stop sign. I tell him I am sorry that I really did not mean to miss the sign, I just did not see it. Then I remind him that he got the time wrong. We are out an hour early... I think I threw in a "so there" for good measure.
We have an hour to kill, I figured we would go to a yard sale or two. Logan does not like yard sells nor does he want to go to one. I am pouting and he is quiet while I decide how much I want to go to a yard sale. A light comes on in Logan's head and he decided he wanted to go to a yard sale and get a 'mongoose'. To say this was the best of mornings would be an exaggeration and I had only had one cup of coffee so not all my cylinders are clicking. At that moment in time,  a mongoose was an animal that kills snakes and I think they live in India.  I am like "No Logan you have two dogs you do not need a mongoose and besides there probably isn't one in Missouri much less at a yard sale."  He starts laughing and says "It's a bike Nonnie".  Hmmmm I quietly say 'I knew that" and home we go. Logan was still laughing as we pulled into the drive way.

On Saturday we stay home, make cookies and eat pizza. We watched the Will Smith movie, "Hancock"...twice.  It was a good easy going kind of day. No rush, no hurry no schedule. About 5 p.m. we decide to walk to the park. The trees are slowly beginning to change colors. Plants are in the process of dying after a summer of blooms. All of the pavilions are filled with people having family reunions, cook outs and at one a wedding reception. The area is decorated in bridal flowers. The bride still has on her gown and veil. It is very pretty.   I ask the kids to walk by quietly so we won't disturb the festivities. About that time Logan spies a water faucet about 10 feet from where the wedding party is taking place. He wants a drink of water. I tell him there is a reception taking place and we need to be quiet and walk on. He can get water on down the  lane. Nope, Logan wants water from that faucet. I tell him 'no' again. About this time Jacy wheels around and points her finger at Logan, in her best Mama voice she says, "Logan, you can not get a drink of water there. Nonnie has already told you 'no' and besides they are getting ready to have a 'resurrection' there and you will spoil it!!!" I lost it and when I loose it I cannot laugh quietly. Tears were flowing. I would have been better off to let Logan get a drink of water, considering how much noise I was trying not to make.

Tami comes home and we are all glad to see her. The next morning is Logan's first football game. They are playing the Chiefs in Columbia. We are the Centralia Panthers. We are up and out the door without much trouble at all. I was impressed. When we get to the park where the game is to be played,  there are 100's of cars, kids and parents. Three football games are playing at the same  time. This went on all morning, maybe all afternoon also. 
As we get out of the car Logan looks over at 4 or 5 boys from another school. He says, "They look at me like I am lunch". And they did. They were sizing up the competition.  We find places to sit and soon it is Logan's turn to play. He runs out to the field and we notice he has on one blue sock and one black sock. I don't know if that is for good luck or if he just couldn't find a mate, whatever it was no big deal. 

It is like Tami said, "Ever since I found out Logan was a boy, I have been waiting for him to play football."  Me too and I also hope he likes basketball half as much as I do. They were so cute on the field. Logan made a tackle. Tami and I went nuts!!!

                                     Logan in number 25                  

 It was a good morning. Tami and I were up and on our feet. When Isaiah made two touch downs, we ran with the crowd down the field, cheering and clapping as we ran. You would have thought it was the NFL. To us it was close. We lost the game but had one heck of a good time, made some lasting memories and caught a few cute shots.

I hope 25 years from now when Jacy and Logan are reading this blog to their kids that they will remember how much fun we had those four days in September. I also hope Logan has twin boys just like him:) I may not be here in person to watch everything that is going on but I will be somewhere close smiling and whispering in his ear, "Take it easy on the boys, I remember when you did me the same way sweetheart."

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