Friday, September 13, 2013

Remembering the Week of 9/11/13....

Every year since we were attacked on 9/11/2001 I get anxious and tense when the anniversary date  begins to roll around again.  I hate admitting this because I know the terrorists would jump for joy to think they have the power to make citizens of the United States uneasy...even if it is only one citizen who is worried. However, it is true. For one week, I am extremely uneasy wondering what the terrorists  are planning and who will die because of their warped mentality. Actually, I wake up every day and turn on the news to see what happened while I slept. They are never far from my thoughts.We are never far from their thoughts either.

This empty, uneasy feeling  will pass and I will get on with my life doing the things that are normal for me.   However, for the terrorists nothing changes. They will continue to plan and execute every atrocity they can in the name of Allah to rid the world of America and Americans or anyone who disagrees with their warped view of life.

A little 8 year old Muslim girl died on her' wedding night' a few weeks ago, because she was too young and small to have sex. Really???  Who marries off their daughter at 8 and what kind of pervert marries her?  Again I say these warped extremists want to rule the world!! Their 'religion' allows this. If they commit suicide and take 'infidels' with them...their reward, in their minds, is a whopping sex party with 72 virgins of their own.  Really????  Is that something a god would delight himself in and wish  for the world?   Does that make any sense?  Not to me.

Is there a god who really condones this kind of behavior? A god who will look at them and say, "Well done my good and faithful servant" I don't think so.

I know there are many Muslims who do not act or think this way. They are good decent people who are trying to live in a world that no longer makes any sense to any of us.  They are trapped. I feel sorry for them. Fate placed them in an area of the world that thrives on war. They fight each other as much as they do outsiders. It is their way of life. It is not my chosen way of life. I would love to see my grandchildren raised in a world of acceptance, peace, joy, forgiveness and love. The radical Islamists know nothing about the meaning of these words. It is their goal to rule the world. These two factions can not coexist together. They are polar opposites. One of them has to go. Because of our differences, and their hatred for us, we will be forced to fight them from here on out.

 For thousands of years, they fought each other and we stayed out of their business. They raised the ante by acquiring weapons that could be used on Israel and on us eventually. Now we are forced to fight people who would just as soon die in battle as live. They strap on a vest of explosives, walk into a crowd of people going about the process of living, and set off the bombs taking as many innocent people with them as they can.

The other day,  I read where one of the Al Qaeda leaders..Zawahri calls for radicals to try and hit America in our economic regions since that is where we are most vulnerable.

 We will be fighting these people forever!!  They have never given up fighting, they never will. For them fighting is a way of life and the very best way to die. It is hard to beat that mentality.  Me, I am personally sick of fighting and of war. Sick of seeing our young men and women sent to these countries where you can't tell an enemy from a friend. Sick of our country arming countries in the Middle East, who in turn use these weapons on our soldiers. Where is the sense in this?

It is such a 'mixed bag of oats' the politics we are facing now.    All I know for sure is that I remember Benghazi and how our soldiers and citizens were treated and how many of them died. This week someone actually said that our people in Benghazi should have asked for more help. Excuse me but I believe they did. While Americans were dying and in harms way, our leader went to Las Vegas for a fund raiser. I am very hesitant to follow our commander and chief into another war. In fact, I wouldn't follow him down the road for an ice cream cone.  This is a completely new emotion for me. Never once have I felt this way about a President but I do now.

Like I said earlier, I really do believe we will be fighting the radical Muslims forever. We can fight them over here or over there but fight them we will. It seems like the decision now is not when but where and under whose leadership.  That is a game changer for many people including me. Having Obama as Commander and Chief, to me is what nightmares are made of.


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