When James Earl Carter married Hazel Louise Hopper many, many years ago, the Carter family was soon to begin. As the years went by they were blessed with 7 sons and 4 daughters. I married one of those sons, Harold Thomas Carter, number 5 son, number 8 child.
I was very glad and a little overwhelmed to be part of a large family, since I was an only child. I could count most of my immediate family on 10 fingers and one toe. Was I in for a huge, delightful adventure? You better believe it!!! I love my Carter family. I enjoy belonging to such a fun loving, God worshiping, mischievous bunch of people. I sometimes forget that I ever was a Humphreys. It seems like I have always been a Carter and I have for the last 43 years.
Each year for the past 15 or 20 years, Labor Day Weekend has been designated as the time for the Carter Reunion. This year it was held at Bonnie and Bobby Joe Brunswick's church recreational center in Woodland Mills, Tenn. I really do not know the final count of how many of us were there but it was a good turn out with quite a few surprises. A lot of the younger generation had other obligations or had to work. They were missed and for a mere $5.00 I will tell to those absent, the most embarrassing stories we told about each of you:)
Unfortunately, the original clan of brothers and sisters has dwindled from 11 to 6. Each loss is felt. Each person is missed and remembered. We are all getting older. When people looked at Tommy they thought of Bobby. This was our first year without Bobby. He was there in Spirit and I am sure he had a good time like he always did.
Below are some of the photos that were taken. I am sure I missed getting a photo of everyone, but I tried:) I have to admit I did my fair share of talking, laughing, eating and talking some more. One fact I know for sure, Southern cooks can't be beat. The food as always was delicious.
Bill and Linda came in from St. Louis. Bill is now the leader of the pack. His twin brother Jim died a few years ago.
Ed and Mina live in Clinton and were there with their son Todd and his family.

Barbara and Bobby Hopper were there with their son, his wife and grandson.
Tommy and I were the only ones from our immediate family who could attend. Lisa and Lisle live in Florida, Melodi and Lacey live in California and Tami, Jacy and Logan live in Centralia, Mo. We are spread pretty thin but get together when we can. Love transcends mileage in our family. This shot of us is fairly normal... neither of us are doing what we were told to do.

The next photo was one of our most delightful surprises. We had not seen Leisha and Jeff Winters for seven years. It was wonderful to see them and their two sons, John Michael and Bryan Thomas....all the way from Mississippi. To make this visit even more special, Leisha is expecting a baby next April.
Barbara surprised Leisha with a few baby items...all for a little girl:) We are hoping for a little girl since they already have two sons but little boys just can't be beat either. They are mighty special.

Bonnie and Bobby opened their church to us all for fun and fellowship. I adore these two people...just love'em to pieces. We were pregnant close to the same time. There is only a month difference in age between Benita and Tami. The stories we share could fill a book.
Joanie and Dickie are next since she is the baby of the family. She is gonna hate that line, but I couldn't think of any other way to say it:)
Shane, Tracy and their family were there. It is hard to believe that Shane is old enough to retire from the military...but he is. We are so proud of him and all he has done for his country. I am glad he made it out safe and alive. Shane you are one of our heroes. You have a beautiful family.
Brent, Glenda, Cindy, Kay, Brandon and Cindy's grandson were there. I chased Brandon all over the place trying to get his photo. I have some great shots of his hat, his right arm that he threw up just as I snapped a photo!! But I gotcha...so there:)
Here are some photos that were taken randomly. One of my nicest surprises was finally meeting Virginia Garrison. We are facebook friends and talk every day but hadn't met...we are also cousins twice removed.
Virginia's mother used to give Chip candy when he was a little boy and she did again Saturday. As always he was glad to get it:)
DeeDee was there with her grandson. He is such a good baby. Everyone took turns holding him.
There were plenty of Aunts, Cousins, Sisters, and Uncles to go around.
Pearl and Tommy....
Pretty in Pink
Tommy and I look forward to seeing you all next year, if not before. Love to all,
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