Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Trying to Find my Place in a Right Handed, Left Brain World...

I am a left handed, right brained person in a right handed, left brain world...and there is not one thing I can do about it except try and adjust and fit in somewhere.

Most things in my world, as a child, were geared toward the right handed people. Desks at school were for using the right hand.  My left arm hung in space as I tried to make my paper stay on the desk top. Wire rimmed notebooks were all made for right handed people. I had to adjust to the wire always being in my way when I wrote. Scissors never fit my hand...so I used my right hand. My cutting was never neat and pretty but it worked. Now things are geared for everyone. I bought a left handed refrigerator. At the time I purchased it, I didn't pay any attention to that fact. I picked out what was natural for me. When it was delivered, Tommy wanted to know why the refrigerator was 'goofed up'. That was the first time I noticed the door handle.

I was very fortunate growing up. My grandparents and mother accepted my preference for being left handed and seldom tried to change my hand of choice. The one exception was eating. Everyone was determined that I use my right hand when eating. Since it was my job to set the table, I set it with everything on the left side. That made sense to me. After the blessing was said, Mamamae, Granddaddy and Mama would readjust their table setting so it was compatible with their right handed style. Finally I made the adjustment and began to use my right hand to eat. Most of the time I still do this. It was easier on everyone if I fit in with them.

When I was a little girl I never cared if my shoes were on the wrong feet or if I was wearing my dress backwards. I had fairies to find, crooks to catch, pictures to paint and stories to read.  My day was full. The grown up version of me is still that way. 

Like everyone else there are things that come easy and natural to me. I tend to be artistic, creative and a dreamer, a clown, a priest, and a poet. I am a writer of fact and fiction, blending the two until they are one. Need help with a problem concerning your emotional heart...ask me. I may not be able to fix your problem but I have all the empathy you need to recover and perfect shoulders to cry on. These are all traits of the right brain thinker. 

The oddities in life snag my attention. Corporate America never once held any infatuation with me. Tommy used to tease me about the fact that if the fate of the industrialized world had been in my hands we would still be living in caves. That may be true but they would be the prettiest caves on the planet. We would all have flower and vegetable gardens, lakes to fish in and backyards for playing. Not one bomb would have been invented.

As for things I can not do, I have accepted the fact that I will never understand algebra or speak the computer language. This comes easy for left brain thinkers.  I argue with the facts. Most of the time they make absolutely no sense to me. My poor algebra teacher Mrs. Haynes tried her best to make me see in black and white. I tried, I really did but I do not have an analytical mind. I need color preferably lots of reds and yellows.

It always seemed to me algebra was wrong. Why would anyone create a problem like 2x=___y.  Really??? What was the x and y??  And why on earth would anyone want 2 of them?? If you found the answer to the equation...then what would you do with it??  There has to be an easier way to do this. Poor Mrs. Haynes hated to see me raise my hand in class. She knew we were all in trouble that day because my reason and logic did not apply to algebra. She was right. Once Mrs. Haynes began explaining a 'problem' to me, my eyes glazed over and I became 'hearing impaired'.

Computers are another mystery to me. I know what I need to know to navigate around the Internet and write a blog. If I hit a wrong button I am in a world of hurt. It happens more often than I care to admit. Copy and paste does not compute in my head. I seldom 'drag' anything and have it end up where it should be.

I have made peace with the fact that I will never crochet, write a computer program or make a speech in another language . Nor will I build anything that requires the use of algebra.  I know all the math I need and I use it every week. I am content to write stories and look for new adventures in my corner of the world.  I admire the left brain people. What would we do without them??  They created the world I live in. Hmmmm,  and there is where we might have another slight problem:)

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