I spent last weekend with Tami, Logan and Jacy in Centralia. For me to say it was fun would be an understatement. When Jacy, Logan and I are alone, we usually kick back and let the adventures find us. If we are hungry...we eat. If we ever find ourselves bored we look for something to do hopefully, that 'something to do', will create a lasting memory.
School was out at 12:45, since they had eaten lunch, all we needed was Sonic ice cream, grubby clothes and a good movie ( Frozen). We relaxed, talked and laughed until it was time to eat dinner. The decision had already been made to eat at Subway. The main topic of conversation was what to do after we ate. Unfortunately, I had a bad idea and suggested we stop by Dollar General for a minute to see if they had anything new we missed the last time we were there.
My grandchildren have outgrown this store, since they do not play with toys anymore, however we often find something ...almost necessary to purchase. Jacy decided she needed a purple journal and pen set to go with her other 23 journals and pen sets. I grabbed two boxes of cupcakes for breakfast; knowing those "Little Debbie's" would never make it past 10 p.m. No necessary reason for this...just seemed like a good idea at the time.
Across the isles, I hear toy machine guns going off at rapid fire speed. I had a feeling I knew where Logan might be found. We make our way to the war zone and sure enough there was Logan armed and ready. He was holding a three foot machine gun in one hand and a small arsenal of hand guns in the other hand. Grinning from ear to ear, he wanted to know if he could have any of these guns? Thirty years ago the answer would have been "absolutely", without any hesitation. Melodi, my youngest daughter, never left a store without a little gun or a hot wheels set of cars when we shopped together. In fact, all my daughters were raised shooting real guns and blowing up junk. They were taught gun safety and are excellent shots. We wanted the girls to be able to protect themselves and to have fun with the sport. However, our daughters were raised before the horrible school shootings began.
I looked at Logan and thought to myself, 'how careful we have to be with children these days.' I told him he could not get the handguns because they looked real, however he could get the machine gun... if he promised not to take it to school. That statement baffled Logan. Immediately he wanted to know why on earth I would think he would take a machine gun to school??
My theory on this question is, 'Sometimes when a nine year old boy wakes up at 6 a.m. he might have an idea that seems great to him then... but could cause him all sorts of trouble at school later that day.' Personally, I remember having days like that when I was a little girl.
So in the middle of Dollar General we have our first lesson on the Second Amendment. People were watching while Logan and I were debating the pros and cons of 'toy gun rights'. I told him about little boys sent home for taking toy guns to school in their backpacks. I also mentioned the little boy who made a image of a gun with his thumb and index finger and was expelled. We decided on the large machine gun and left the store.
Next stop was Orschelin's to check out the baby ducks and chicks. Cute does not begin to describe a baby chicken or my grandchildren holding them. It is possible this was my favorite hour of the day. No time for normal language, "Oooohs and Ahhhs" were the only dialogue we needed.
Watching "Frozen" again accompanied by outbursts from an AK47, we inhaled the best Little Debbie's ever. About half way through the movie, Logan begins to laugh. I look at him and his
'big machine gun' is now a small machine gun since the butt of the gun comes off!!! He looks at me grinning saying, "this is awesome!!! Thanks Nonnie"!!! All I could say was, "OH CRAP"!!! and I meant it from the bottom of my very nervous heart!
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