Friday, April 4, 2014

How did we Reach this Age???

I suppose it happened while we were busy living a life filled with more than our share of  laughter and love; combined with a liberal dose of problems and solutions.  We were young, raising a family, buying a home, working, and forever in a hurry.  Aging never entered our minds. The decades passed in a blur. We went to bed with our 'to do list' planned for the next day. The thought of turning 65 was absent from our imaginations.  Aging was for 'old people' did not apply us.  We were invincible and would stay that way forever.  However, plans are subject to change; so is Mother Nature. Somewhere along the way aging found us...I am still not sure how.

Perhaps it happened when our daughters grew up and moved out.  They began families of their own.  It may have occurred when we became grandparents.

We laughed when we received our first AARP magazine, throwing it in the trash. It was a magazine for 'older people'...not us.  Now I devour it when it arrives in our mailbox. I read it from back to front. I want to see who died and who had a birthday. Of course I 'share' all this info with Tommy, who could care less.

 About twenty years ago, Tommy's hair began to turn gray. It didn't happen over night but slow and steady. First a distinguished graying at the temples, then a sprinkling of white in Tommy's thick black hair. While we were busy making a living, his hair became a beautiful silver gray.  I am not ready for gray hair. It will have to run a little faster to catch me.

However, when  I look in the mirror I have second thoughts! The person I see in the mirror is not the person who resides in my mind. She resides in my knees at times but seldom my mind. Wrinkles are not a problem BUT all those beautiful sun tans I had for years have played havoc with my skin. I was an avid sun hind sight that was far from a good idea.  It was life before sunscreen.

Yesterday, in the midst of heavy rains totaling more than six inches of rushing water, tornados and hail the size of quarters, Tommy and I celebrated his 66th birthday! Sunday I will be 65. We are on Medicare!  This idea is as foreign to me as waking up one morning and speaking Chinese without ever studying the language.  It does not seem possible but it is. What is even more unbelievable...I am glad. Our insurance premiums are at last a manageable price.

We do not mind these changes; it is the IDEA of the changes that boggles our mind.  We are active, busy people, still chasing dreams we waited a lifetime to pursue.

Act IV in our lives continues to be exciting and laid back at the same time. We look forward to the new experiences on our 'Bucket List'.  There are many ideas to try and trips yet to be taken. In June we are going to Key West...those lovely islands will never be the same.  Once again it doesn't take much to make us happy.  I for one, am betting the rest of my life on that thought.

Happy Birthday to the love of my life. I wouldn't have missed our life together for all the money in the world.



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