Monday, March 9, 2015

I Think They are Snake Eggs....

I hate snakes!!  I hate them just as much when they are dead as I do when they are alive.  If I never, ever saw another snake I would be delighted!! However, we live in the country.  There is no way this will ever happen.

This is the reason Tommy and I are having a small nonviolent disagreement over the photo on the left. Yesterday we dumped a huge flower pot made out of a hollowed out piece of wood close to the size of Texas.  I loved that flower pot. For the past four years it has been the home for petunias, geraniums, ferns, and spiked grass.  It sat in the front yard by the swing. I liked the old fashioned look so much,  each year I added another chunk of hollowed out wood to my flower beds in the front yard. They finally began to visibly rot. While we were working in the wood this weekend we dumped the pots and discarded the rotten wood. As I was moving the dirt to new places I turned over the damp earthy smelling soil and out rolled close to a dozen soft broken eggs.  I asked Tommy to come look at these eggs.  It went downhill from there.

I looked at him and said, "They are SNAKE eggs aren't they???"  Tommy looked at me, knowing how scared I am of snakes and LIED!!"

He said, "No those are lizard eggs. You know those little lizards we have here in the summer".  I looked at him.  He kept starring at me. I knew he was lying his wazoo off.

"Tommy, if those are lizard eggs, that lizard would need to be the size of a chicken!!  Those eggs resemble small chicken eggs.  It could not have been laid by a little lizard!"

Still refusing to validate my reasoning, Tommy said and I quote, "Alright they are chicken eggs!!"  That is when I slugged his arm. I told him, "I can Google these eggs and find out exactly what they are."  He was in the process of raking the soft broken eggs into a pile.  I ran to get a WalMart bag.  Later we dumped the eggs in the garbage can to be hauled away to the big trash pile in the sky on Wednesday. 

It gives me the creeps to think a snake crawled in and out of my flower pots.  Pots I took care of daily. Pots I sat near in the late afternoon while I drank coffee and read a book. I shudder to think of this scene. Tommy seems to think this is funny. Not me. I hope they all froze to death this winter. I hope all twelve of those suckers are long gone...long gone.

Hmmmm... chickens my arse!!

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