Friday, July 17, 2015

Trying to Educate Vicky Carter...Again

   Today, I am the reasonable facsimile of a 'happy camper'. For the past year I have mentally kicked around the idea of taking a few writing courses on line. I need the knowledge for sure, however I am not positive the cost of the classes balances my need for knowledge.  I had my chance for a college education and I threw it away.  It was my first taste of freedom and I liked the menu. The only thing I can remember learning in college was, 'Christopher Columbus died of syphilis.'  For that tidbit my parents paid two thousand dollars...and I would not swear the statement is the truth. My Early American History class was taught by a wonderful man from Russia. I loved his class, although I only understood about every third word the man spoke.  Christopher Columbus' sex life happens to be one of the things I think I understood. I know it made an impression on me.

    I married Tommy halfway through my Junior year of college and I have never, ever been sorry. I would do it all again tomorrow. My mind was everywhere but on higher education. I made the right choice for me then. Now I wish those few years I was in college, I had taken Creative Writing and English classes, instead of  classes I do not remember attending...if I did.   I need now what I missed learning then.  I also had no clue what the future held. Nor did I know all the stories I had in my imagination would someday want to appear on paper. The thought of retiring and becoming a writer, never once entered my mind when I was twenty years old.

   Since retirement,  I purchased a ton of 'writing how to books'.  I've read a huge portion of  my collection.  I am hoping the rest of the books will be absorbed by osmosis. If not by osmosis, then there is always a chance I will live long enough to finish the stack by my chair., my desk, my bed and the kitchen table not to mention the bathtub.  Next to Tommy, Amazon is my best friend. We are on a first name basis...they know where I live.

    I  read off and on all day long.  If  I lived alone, I would probably read and write all of the time. I could possibly be one of those old ladies who lives alone with a couple of cats, a dog and a shotgun, daring someone to bother me, while I write the next imaginary best seller.  Ironically,  I married a non reader. Tommy doesn't give a flip about reading and never has.  It hasn't been a problem in our marriage. He doesn't read and I do not hunt.  We accept that we are two different people and we each do pretty much what we want to do.  In fact, if I told him I wanted to take several online classes; he would say, "If that is what you want to do...then do it." I am not telling him what I have been thinking about.  Instead, I started my own program entitled, "Trying to Educate Vicky Carter...Again".  It is a simple program consisting of several on line writing groups I joined; accompanied by a host of writing blogs I touch base with daily. One of the best blogs I follow is Susan Finlay's, "Writing  and Publishing Tips From Authors Around the World".  It is authors helping authors by sharing tips they use in their professional careers. I also discovered Tom Winton on this site. I am now a fan of both Tom and Susan's books. I believe all writers benefit from reading the works of great  authors.

    Another option I tackled was joining  the "Writer's Circle" group on facebook.  This group offers basic writing tools and information.  Anyone can benefit from  reading and studying their fact sheets. Since I am a 'comma whore', I revel in the "Rules for Using Comma's".  I've never encountered  a comma I did not want to use and use and abuse.  I need the  basic common sense truths to read  and reread  as I write.  Most of the truths I am learning, I knew at one time.  Over the years of nonuse,  these truths relaxed on a dusty, cluttered shelf in my memory and remain hidden. I will either find them or learn them again. If my mind is anything like my closet, it would be better to start over. My will and desire to learn comes from many people and places. T.K. Carter my middle  daughter is a published author. She  has helped and encouraged me from the beginning. Tami is often my sounding board when I need someone to listen to my ideas.

   I discovered I am in need of  a writing partner. I really want  Nalini Mohammad. However, she lives in Trinidad,  has a job and is about to be married. Nalini's plate is full.  I need someone who lives close to  my area.  A person I can meet and trade writing ideas; critique each others work and not be offended.   Once again, I miss Carol Shea. She always read my work. She had no problem being honest either. Honesty is what I need,  plus the help of a struggling writer who understands the joy and crap that goes with writing.  A new best friend would be great but not necessary. I think I need a proofreader with the heart of a serial killer when it comes to editing.  Several ideas are  beginning to form a new system for writing; rearranging this--deleting that, changing old habits and creating new habits.   Discipline  has stepped to the forefront and increased his demands.

   School is about to begin at the Carter house...again.

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