Friday, July 20, 2018

How Hard can an ATM Actually be to Use???

  I have lived a sheltered life.   As a new widow, I have found mundane things that I encounter to be as foreign as walking on the moon.  

  For instance, right after Tommy passed away, Lisa and I were in town on one of many trips to take care of some personal business. We were hungry and stopped at a restaurant to eat. Neither one of us paid any attention to a sign behind the counter that said, "We Only Take Cash or a Check". I had neither the cash or my checkbook with me. I usually pay my bill with my debit card. 

  We ordered our meal and it was delicious. Lisa proceeded to go to the bathroom and I walked up to the cash register and handed the man my debit card and bill.  He is from Ukraine, I think, and in slightly broken Engish he explained the new rules to me. I looked at him and explained that I had neither enough cash or my checkbook with me.  He smiled and said, "No problem, you can use the ATM machine."  Hmmmm, I have never once in my life used an ATM machine. I walk over to the wall where the machine is and I look at it for a few minutes. I really did not know how to use it. I look at the man behind the counter and told him I needed help.  He informed me that 'he could not help me'.  That is when I informed him that we had a small problem.  He informed me that "I had a problem".  We looked at each other while I stifled the urge to walk over and hit him over the head with the cash register.  I had a vivid picture of this in my mind's eye... in living color. However, jail did not seem to be the appropriate place I wanted to mourn, although I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, Tommy would have thought that was funny.

   I turned around to the ATM machine.  I thought I read the directions although they are vague.  I think I must be one of the few people who had never used one. The ATM machine did not care. I tried to go through the proper steps and about that time my mind checked out because I was getting upset. I went totally blank. Could not process one coherent thought. This is what my brain does since Tommy has died. The doctors say it is the way the brain is protecting my mind when I get overwhelmed with life. They assure me I will be fine in time.  However, my Ukrainian friend did not know this and he wanted his money.  Thank God, about this time Lisa shows up and takes over. She knows how to use the ATM and she got our bill paid.  The cashier was laughing. I asked him why he didn't come help me?  He informed me I should have read the sign or use the ATM machine. He told me to have a good day.  The church lady in me failed to show up before I flipped him off and marched out the door...never to return again. I still do not know how to use the ATM but I is on the list right behind...stop letting your middle finger talk.  I think I may have to tape that puppy down for awhile. 

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