Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Foot Massage and a Contender for Pimp of the Year...

   Lisa took me Saturday to get a foot massage and pedicure.  We stopped at a little Oriental shop.  We were introduced to  the people who would be working on us for the next hour. Included in the pedicure was a massage from the chair we were sitting in.  I had not experienced the pleasure of either. The lady who worked on me was nice but only spoke very broken Engish to me. Lisa and I picked out a dark sapphire shade of blue for our toes.  I am assuming after the toes were done she turned my machine on high and left.
   Lisa had a fiesty Asian young man with a great sense of humor. We hit it off immediately. He thought I needed a boyfriend. I assured him I did not and that I was fine. He said,
"You color your hair and you look fifteen years younger,"  I laughed and told him I didn't want to color my hair. I earned every one of these silver hairs and I like them."  He wasn't satisfied. He kept on talking b.s. for the duration of the pedicure. He informed me if I got some slinky clothes I could have a wonderful a wonderful time at some club he knows. He offered to introduce me to some of his friends. I laughed and asked him if he was a pimp or an escort?  He just laughed and never did answer the question.
   I do not know who owned the shop. The older lady who worked on me was not amused with his banter.  I thought it was funny.  Lisa and I were laughing and having a good time. That is about the time the older woman returned to adjusted my back massage chair. I thought it was going to beat me to death. I could not have gotten out of that chair by myself if I was dying. Ah, sweet revenge probably from his mother.  Oh well, live and learn.  I bet he got his wazoo chewed after we left. If he got fired, I am sure he knows where to find another job. It is probably called, "The House of the Rising Sun.

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