Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Most Beautiful Christmas Card

One week from today is Christmas.  Presents have been purchased, wrapped and placed under the tree. Cookies, candies and coconut cakes were made and delivered to friends and family.

Christmas carols are playing on the radio. In most homes the Christmas tree has been decorated with memories from past Christmas's.  The house smells of Christmas candles.  Scents we can only buy this time of year.  The postman has delivered Christmas cards almost daily, from friends and family all over the world. It is a time of magic and love mixed with a heaping spoonful of stress.

Depending on our personalities, we work for months, weeks, or days to get ready for Christmas.  This year I am in the "weeks" category, perhaps even leaning heavy toward the "days" category.  I have had trouble getting ready for Christmas.  I have the "Christmas Spirit" as we say in Kentucky, but I am spinning my wheels more than usual.

I know it will all get done.  I am just not sure when it will all get done!  I have no excuses this year. I am not working, so my time is my own.  And still I drug my feet just a little. Something was missing in me.

I felt somewhat out of sorts until I received a Christmas card from Salla, in Finland. It is a beautiful card, made even more special by the fact that it was created by an artist who could not use their hands to paint.  They relied on either their mouths or feet to create this lovely card. The painting is beautiful and ascetically correct, defying logic with every stroke. 

I look at it and I am reminded over and over again that "nothing is impossible with God".  With every brush stroke, He was there.  Guiding the toes or the lips, to do things they were not created to accomplish. Giving life to works of art that can only sing His praises.  This is why we celebrate Christmas. .. because He did for us what we could not do for ourselves. If we celebrate it for any other reason, we have short changed ourselves and Him.

I needed to be reminded of this fact. This was "what" was missing in me.

Enjoy this coming week my friends. Make lots of memories and love the very best you can. I wish you all love everlasting and a strong touch from the Master, Himself.   May all your Christmas dreams come true. I will be thinking about each of you.
                                            Love to all,




  1. It is a few days before Christmas but for some reason, I could not get the fire started in me.

    Heaven forbid. I pray that I am not turning into a scrooge or a grinch. It has been a tough year, a very tough one, and I fear that all my apprehensions have refused to leave in time for the Holidays.

    Everything has been said and done. The cards are written and mailed. The presents prepared. The tree has been decorated and ready since November. But a nagging thought haunts me....

    I have ALWAYS had wonderful Christmases. And each was made special for me by the people whom I have held dear, not only on Christmas, but all throughout the year....

    Christmas has always been about the love.

    Have I given enough this year? I hope it isn't too late....And to escape this same empty feeling next year, I'd best be starting to give all the loving I can, here and now....

    A truly blessed Christmas to all!

  2. Merry Christmas Nelo to you and your family. I hope the New Year is easier on you this year than it was last year. Take care my friend
