As usual we had two different ways in mind. Since it was his cheek, and he was not listening to me, I stood by with a wet wash cloth, a magnifying glass and some Motrin!!! Complete with a lot of moral support and many unwanted suggestions.
Tommy has been on a blood thinner since he had his heart attack in 2007 and he bleeds very easily. It is much harder to stop the bleeding now.This is very frustrating for Tommy. Finally, it did stop bleeding.
I put some ointment on it and a band aid, got him a cup of coffee and we talked for a few minutes. He started watching t.v. and I went back to writing.
About thirty minutes later, he walks into the den---bleeding again!!! Only this time he is happy!!!! I ask him what went wrong, and he told me "nothing, I just SHAVED the place where I go hurt to get rid of the SPLINTERS!!!! For once in my life---words escaped me. I couldn't believe what he had just done!!! I tried to see the "shaved area" and all I saw was a big red angry patch of skin !!!! If skin could talk, Tommy would have been in deep, deep trouble.
However, Tommy was pleased. He even wanted me to take a picture of his boo boo. I did . He went back to the living room and I tried to write. I kept thinking about another time, years ago when Tommy got another whack on the face. Since this story won't go away or be quiet, I might as well share it.
I put some ointment on it and a band aid, got him a cup of coffee and we talked for a few minutes. He started watching t.v. and I went back to writing.
About thirty minutes later, he walks into the den---bleeding again!!! Only this time he is happy!!!! I ask him what went wrong, and he told me "nothing, I just SHAVED the place where I go hurt to get rid of the SPLINTERS!!!! For once in my life---words escaped me. I couldn't believe what he had just done!!! I tried to see the "shaved area" and all I saw was a big red angry patch of skin !!!! If skin could talk, Tommy would have been in deep, deep trouble.
However, Tommy was pleased. He even wanted me to take a picture of his boo boo. I did . He went back to the living room and I tried to write. I kept thinking about another time, years ago when Tommy got another whack on the face. Since this story won't go away or be quiet, I might as well share it.
One day I may forget what happened to Tommy yesterday, but I will never forget the first time the he got hit in the face while the girls and I were with him.
It is as vivid in my memory, as if it happened yesterday----and it has been 31 years ago. I was 7 months pregnant with Melodi. It was a warm, sunny day and we were headed to Hermann to visit friends. We had the windows all rolled down, the music was playing on the radio. Lisa was about 8 and Tami was close to 3. They were in the back seat, looking at the Missouri River as we crossed the bridge. Tommy was driving about 50 mph and life was good. We were all in a good mood, Laughter came easy that afternoon.
Out of nowhere--literally no where--a bird flies through the car window and slaps Tommy in the head. His left cheek to be exact!!!!
The bird lands between Tommy and me--dazed, flouncing around not sure exactly what to do. I look at Tommy and he is beyond stunned!!! He has never had a bird fly through a window and slap him up beside his head!!! I venture to say, not many people have. His face is red and he looks at me, to verify that what he thinks happened--just did.
I am laughing so hard that I am starting to cry!!! This seems to tick Tommy off---but I did not care!!!! Some things are just too outlandish to believe.
I remember him saying "Well, I am glad you find this so damn funny!!**! I squeaked through the laughter and tears "Me too!!!"
About this time the bird revives and flips himself into the back seat---right between the girls!!! The bird is flipping around, I am trying to catch it!!! The kids are screaming and the bird is pooping all over everyone!! Feathers are flying and I am in an uncontrollable state of hysterical laughter. We are in heavy traffic and all hell is breaking loose in our car.
I am still laughing--uncontrollably. I get the bird and I think I threw him in the river!! I turn around and tried to get calmed down, but I was so far beyond calm it was impossible.. I know in my heart that if we had plunged off that bridge, on that particular day, I would literally have died laughing. Some memories are priceless. For us, and especially me, this is one of them.
The bird lands between Tommy and me--dazed, flouncing around not sure exactly what to do. I look at Tommy and he is beyond stunned!!! He has never had a bird fly through a window and slap him up beside his head!!! I venture to say, not many people have. His face is red and he looks at me, to verify that what he thinks happened--just did.
I am laughing so hard that I am starting to cry!!! This seems to tick Tommy off---but I did not care!!!! Some things are just too outlandish to believe.
I remember him saying "Well, I am glad you find this so damn funny!!**! I squeaked through the laughter and tears "Me too!!!"
About this time the bird revives and flips himself into the back seat---right between the girls!!! The bird is flipping around, I am trying to catch it!!! The kids are screaming and the bird is pooping all over everyone!! Feathers are flying and I am in an uncontrollable state of hysterical laughter. We are in heavy traffic and all hell is breaking loose in our car.
I am still laughing--uncontrollably. I get the bird and I think I threw him in the river!! I turn around and tried to get calmed down, but I was so far beyond calm it was impossible.. I know in my heart that if we had plunged off that bridge, on that particular day, I would literally have died laughing. Some memories are priceless. For us, and especially me, this is one of them.
I love this!!!
ReplyDeleteI think one of the fun things about writing a blog is that it pushes you to put a frame around the small events that would be lost in a few days. I love the way you pick up on these ordinary happenings that shouldn't be forgotten.