Thursday, May 5, 2011

Movies, Moods and Women

          I believe I have a  new "favorite movie". I watched "The Curious Life of Benjamin Buttons" last night at Carol's and absolutely loved it.  Even though I think it has been out for awhile, I had missed seeing it. I won't have to worry about that again, because I bought it today.  It is one of those movies that I will watch many times, when the mood is right.  I will probably watch it alone because Tommy doesn't care for "love stories".  If someone isn't killed, a car wrecked or a bomb exploded within the first 3 minutes, he is sure it isn't "his kind of movie" and flips the channel. 

        Movies at our home always brings up the conversation of death.  Strange but true.  Our taste in movies is as a rule, completely  different,  If one of us really wants to watch a movie that the other one doesn't, someone will say "Fine, when you die---that movie goes with you!!!!"  We are joking, sort of.

          We have an on going list of things that we are going to bury with the first one of us who dies!!!  No lie--we really do. If Tommy dies first, the remote goes with him!!!  Actually, I don't think he would go without it!!  I am also loading every Gene Autry movie that was ever made and send them with him too!!!!  Can not stand Gene Autry--never could, never will. 

           If I die first, he is sending me off with my favorite navy blue sheets. They are old, worn, soft and cool to the touch.  He hates them ----he says they are cold. I remind him that when he goes through menopause, then He can pick the sheets, until then---they stay.  He is also throwing in the pastel portrait I did of Willie Nelson, years ago.  He hates Willie about as much as I hate Gene Autry!!  So for years, I hung Willie in the dining room just to aggravate him. It worked!!!  Also I get sent off with all my "chick flicks"---fine by me!!! 

         Tommy and I really do have a good time together.  All this banter is just who we are and how we relate to each other. If I had to live with a 'serious person", one of us would have left a long time ago.  Truthfully, the "joking" about our burials-- that will probably happen.  Like I said, that is just who we are.

       To Tommy, "love stories" are not reality based.  Of course they aren't, if they were they would be called "life stories".  A good love story, allows the viewer to enter someone else's life and share their experiences, feel their emotions and to laugh or cry depending on how the movie plays out. 

       We walk through the walls of another life. We can almost taste the wine, smell the ocean or feel the kiss. We travel to lands we will never see and for an hour or two, love people who do not exist.

       Perhaps it is a form of escaping, or maybe it is just good entertainment.  Whatever it is, I have movies that I enjoy when I am feeling nostalgic. Movies that I watch when I am missing my daughters, or when I need a good laugh or a good cry. Movies that make me remember young love.

       When I am missing my daughter's one of the movies I watch is "Practical Magic".  My girls have that strong love for each other. They would invade Hell at a moments notice, if one of them needed help. The scene in the kitchen where they are making Margaritas and dancing---that is so us!!!  However, we are like that when we all get together--with or without the margaritas.

      "Thelma and Louise" makes me think of Carol and me. In fact, that was out nicknames at work.  I was Thelma!!!!  This movie always makes me want to get in a bar fight!!!  go figure...

       "The Cutting Edge" is one movie I love to watch when I think of young love. Of falling in love--it's funny and sweet, sexy and innocent all at the same time.  It is a nice way to spend a rainy afternoon.  I also enjoy "Dirty Dancing". I like everything about that movie, and the music is awesome. First loves are special.

       The list goes on and on. And if I wrote this article tomorrow night, there would probably be different movies and a different tone.

       However, after watching "The Curious Life of Benjamin Buttons" I immediately wanted to hit replay and watch it again.  I wasn't ready to leave their lives, or to reenter my life. 

        Sitting by myself in the dark, I thought about the theme of the movie. To be born old and to live life in reverse.  Pardon the pun, but what a "novel" idea.  Also what a horrible fate.  Seldom would you be in the right place at the right time. To fall in love and not age with your partner, but grow younger instead.  For a little while it had its perks, but then reality set in and someone had to leave.  Isn't that the way it always goes?

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