Friday, November 11, 2011

The War Dance

When I think about war, and I do that a lot, I think of it on a personal level.  Life and it's choices, are never black and white in my mind.  I live in the gray area. I live with the what if's and a ton of shoulda, woulda, coulda's. 

I think to myself, if I lived in a country controlled by a dictator who ruled with an iron hand, where there was no freedom of speech or human rights,  I would pray for help to whatever god I knew. I would pray that someone ---  somewhere, would save me and my family. In my mind the list broadens out to friends and co workers, people in my town.  There is no place to stop in this scenario.  I would pray for deliverance for my country.

It is with mixed feelings that I write this.  It is hard to live in the "gray area".  I know me and I know that if I lived in a border town in Mexico---I would do everything in my power to get my family to America. I would like to think I would do it legally, however I would do it any way I could.

If I lived in a ghetto in the United States and feared each day for my child's life, I would do my best to get us out of the ghetto. Whatever it took, I would do.

If I lived in Somalia, I would be praying for food, water, deliverance from someone--somewhere.

These same thoughts and feelings go for every part of the world where people suffer at the injustice of a harsh government.  Governments that bind its people instead of letting them be free. If I lived in any of these places I would want someone, somewhere to help me.  If I could not help myself, I would pray for intervention on my country's part. Would my prayers be answered?  I do not know, but I would try.

However, to help these people, our young men an women, all over the world, have to sacrifice at times their lives. Is it worth their sacrifice?  For the person in the country praying for help, the answer would be "yes". Until the bombs started falling, their land is blown to pieces, and friends and family are killed or maimed for life. Freedom comes with a great price for all involved, it is never free.

For the families of the young soldiers, I am not so sure the answer would be "yes". There is pride in our soldiers duties and there is also the love of a child or mate. Love wins. It is a mind boggling thing to send a love one to war. How can the possible consequences be justified?  They can't. It is just something unknowingly done by soldiers every day--somewhere in this world, while the families wait and pray.

Throughout history there have been wars and rumor of wars. Every freedom the world knows has been fought for and won at the expense of many a young persons life. This will never change. It is called life and it is called war.  We live and we die by what we believe in, one way or the other.  Are we always right?  Perhaps not always, but I still think, if I were facing a wall with no hope and no answers in sight for a better life----I would pray for someone, some where to help me and mine. 

I still do not know how I feel about war. I have muddled this over and over in my mind for most of my life. I believe there are things and beliefs worth fighting for, no matter what the cost.  I believe that once our country makes a commitment to a war, we support our troops. I also believe that where "much is given, much is required".  We are a blessed nation.  With that comes responsibility. 

To me, war is like a slow, treacherous dance. Someone leads and someone follows.  The moves are seldom the same. The dancers listen to the music and do what they feel or have been taught. They twirl, they sidestep, they stumble and they step on each others toes. The lead changes many times during the dance.  Is it supposed to, no but it does just the same. When the dance is through the couple either walk away together, or they leave each other on the dance floor, both going back to what was before.  Soon the music starts again and the dance is repeated, with different partners.

When all the wars now being fought are finished, and the dance is done;  we can hope that song will never be played again.  In my heart I know this is not true. Someone, somewhere is writing the next song, and waiting for their turn to dance.

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