Tuesday, March 13, 2012

About Last Night.....

Last night was beautiful!! In fact, yesterday was a gorgeous, sunny day. I raked the yard and flower beds. Made some plans for new flower beds and just generally enjoyed the day outside.

 Spring officially began for me last night. I could not sit at the computer or watch t.v.  I wanted to sit outside and watch the night descend on the Earth. I wanted to see what Spring had in store for us.

 I love the sounds of the night. For the second time this year, I heard the "spring leapers" or young frogs,  singing their amazing song. I absolutely love the sounds they make. Actually, I think the frogs are mating! As I listen to them carrying on, I try really hard not to visualize this act. I tried to get Tommy to come outside with me but he was interested in a movie and opted out.  He told me to go enjoy my "frog sex"!!!  I don't care what the frogs were doing--- he missed some great magic!

It was about 7:30 when I decided to get out of the house.  Darkness had fallen but it wasn't pitch black. I could still see the trees by the pond, on the horizon.  A few stars were already out, more appeared every second. I would look in one direction, by the time I had turned my head,  another star was shining in what had been a vacant spot.  This went on for hours, almost like the stars were playing tag with me.  I never could  catch them. The stars  were much too fast.

Sabella and Sandy came outside with me. They were content to just lay on the ground and sleep. I sat in the swing beside them. About a half mile away coyotes began to yelp.  Ordinarily, this would cause my dogs to go insane. Barking and pacing the yard, protecting what belonged to them, but not last night.  They slept lightly, an ear twitching, a stretch or a yawn. They knew there was no danger.

I sat in the swing for a long time and not once did I see the moon. Eventually, I got up and walked around the yard, taking in the expanse of the sky. Still no moon.  However, I glanced  down at a mud puddle and I saw eight stones lightly glowing in the water. I had thrown the rocks there last fall, while I was in the process of cleaning out the flower garden.  These rocks glow in the dark if they have enough sun during the day.  Yesterday they had enough sun......they looked pretty and completely out of place in that puddle. I am leaving them there. They made a mud hole look pretty----now that took some magic!