Sunday, March 18, 2012

Joe Neal Remembered.......

Joe Neal, Tommy's younger brother, died 39 years ago yesterday.  He and a friend were fishing in the backwater. The boat turned over, his friend made it to the bank but Joe Neal didn't. It was a horrible accident. I remember the day it happened as if it were yesterday.

Tommy, Lisa and I were living in Marietta, Georgia. It had been a beautiful day in the South. We had cooked out and had just finished eating when the phone rang. Tommy answered. He was quiet and mostly said, "yes", "no", and I will tell her.  Then he said, "Are you sure he drowned?"

I started crying, I didn't know who Tommy was talking to but I knew Daddy had just bought a new boat.  My mind started jumping to conclusions and I thought Daddy had drowned.  When Tommy turned around to me. his tan was gone. He looked gray and shaken. He gave me the phone and sat down at the kitchen table. 

 Daddy was on the phone when I said hello. When I heard Daddy's voice I remember saying, "My God Daddy, I thought it was you"  He couldn't talk and he gave Mama the phone. Through tears she told me as best she  could what had happened.

Tommy and I couldn't believe it. Joe was so young, handsome and funny.  He adored Lisa, and all his nieces and nephews. He had a way with kids.  He carried a photo of  Tommy and me in his wallet. The snapshot Linda had made at our wedding. Mimi showed us his wallet when we got home. He made it through Vietnam......this couldn't possibly happen to him. He had just started living.

But it did. Some young woman somewhere missed loving Joe Neal. His life was cut short. The missed opportunities are almost too much to think about.

Joe Neal had a good, kind heart.  We all loved and missed him.....we still do.



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