Monday, March 26, 2012

What a Great Weekend!!!

This past weekend was really a fun time. I didn't do one thing I did not want to do.  That is how I decide if my days are great or just normal. On normal days, I do things I need to do, have to do or should do. On great days, I only do what I want to do and absolutely nothing else. I had to wait 60 years to get to that place.  It was worth the wait!!

Yesterday, Tommy was gone until about 3 p.m.  I had control of the remote, AND the C.D.'s  I was in heaven.  I listened to Janis Joplin and Juice Newton for hours while I wallpapered part of my living room. The music was loud and proud!!!!

When I got tired of wallpapering, I took a break to watch Kentucky kick some serious butt in basketball!!!  I do believe they are gonna win it all!!!

After that, I made a mad dash to spray paint an old claw foot bathtub Tommy found for me. I am turning it into a flower bed in my ole hippy part of the yard. It is gonna look really cute, especially with the red boat.  All filled with flowers and hostas, and ferns!!! Wind chimes, a bird bath and blackberry bushes are there also.

When Tommy got home he said, "Hey babe, get cleaned up I am taking you out to dinner"  Whooo Hooo no cooking tonight!!!

Thirty minutes later we are in the car and headed to town.  We ate at a new Mexican restaurant. We really liked the place. I have had much better food at El Maguay's but the beer was over the top!!! Literally!!!  They bought us out 2 beers, each  about a foot tall in ice chilled glasses.  The mugs were about 6 inches around. Enough beer for both of us to get a buzz---and then we went shopping!!

I needed to go to Walmart to talk to someone about Wi-Fi. I hate to say this, but I had no clue what to do with my Kindle. I had downloaded some books from Amazon.  My Kindle would not let me have them until it got in touch with a Wi-Fi!!!! I called Tami and she tried to tell me what to do. I couldn't wrap my mind around what she was saying.  Bless her heart!!!  She keeps me updated on all sorts of gadgets, that I really like, but can seldom work for very long without some help.

So if I can't understand it, and Tami can't fix it,  and Joey is out of pocket, I figure Walmart can fix me right up.  Especially, after that huge beer and my buzz---I had a plan!

I take my Kindle in the store, turn it on and head for the electronics department. I cornered a little girl who worked there and asked if I could use their WiFi. She backed up and informed me that  "Walmart did not have WiFi"  I was shocked!!  Sooo, I handed her my Kindle,  told her about what all was going on with it and my book order. She was nice by then. We talked for about 15 minutes.  She tells me to go sit in McDonald's parking  lot and I can down load my books. That sounded kind of strange. She assured me it would work.

Just the word "McDonald's" sent shivers down my spine. I was with Tommy and he HATES McDonald's!!  Fat chance of getting that done. Tommy is 100% pro gun and McDonald's isn't. He refuses to ever under any conditions to eat there. Since we weren't eating there, I had a slight chance he would pull in their parking lot. Very slight!!!

Tommy still had his buzz because he took me to McDonald's parking lot for about 2 minutes. It worked--sort of. I found all sorts of connections but I needed a I made up one.  Evidently I needed their password.  No way was I going in and ask them anything.  We sped out of the parking lot and headed home.  But I have another plan----the library!!!  I bet they have WiFi and the ladies who work there know me.  I bet I get my books tomorrow.

It was a good weekend from beginning to end.  Tommy's gone fishing today with Ben and Matthew.  Juice Newton is just a click away and I have a plan:)  Life is good---so very, very good!!


  1. "I found all sorts of connections but I needed a I made up one." hahahahaha!!!!!!!

  2. The library and most coffee shops and book stores have WIFI, well in my neck of the woods anyway. Hope you get it going today.

  3. It is looking more like I am going tomorrow, my get up and go just sat down today and refused to move:) go figure
