About 3 weeks ago, I went out to feed the dogs and found the top of the dog food container had a hole chewed in it about four inches in width. There were plastic shavings all around the can. I heard something move in the back of the garage. It was a thump followed by a box falling to the floor. I jumped like I had been shot and made a mad dash to the house, only to turn around and slink back to the garage because I still needed to feed the dogs. Humiliating to say the least.
This went on for about a week. I moved the dog food. They found it. I taped the hole with enough tape to make an amputee a new limb. They chewed through it in one night. I changed cans and whatever it was, ate through the new can lid like it was icing on a cake. I also found a smaller hole on the side of the container where a short varmint gnawed through the plastic. The dog food was decreasing daily. I was sure it was a raccoon. I was hoping it wasn't rabid. With this thought in mind, the next time I went to the garage, I armed myself with a big stick and Tommy.
We transferred the remaining dog food into a metal can with a metal lid. We also placed another 30 pounds of dog food inside. Tommy began to search for the intruder. My rabid raccoon turned out to be a family of squirrels.
We know there are at least 3 culprits and one of them is miserably, no doubt about it, pregnant. Today we watched the whole crew in action, except for the pregnant squirrel. She came out and sat down on a ladder step and looked at us. Her little belly was round and protruding on both sides. She was sitting upright with her front legs crossed on her belly. The only thing she didn't do was tap her foot. She looked us in the eye and did not blink. It was almost like she was saying, "Go on shoot! What are you going to do with me?? I am pregnant, I live in a tree and I eat dog food! So what are your plans for me? I am miserable and shooting me couldn't hurt anymore than the way my back feels right now! So either shoot me or leave me alone!!" I remember that feeling and I recognize the ' look.' We left her alone.
We watched two of the squirrels play with reckless abandon for about 30 minutes. They flaunted the fact they were in the garage and we were in the house. They climbed on everything in sight. Jumped up to the rafters, raced across railings and scampered in and out of flower pots. Needless to say, the squirrels were very entertaining while pushing their luck to the limit.
I don't know exactly what we are going to do with these critters. We could shoot them but now it seems like we 'know them'. And I am uncomfortable with killing them. However they are the same bunch that ate my tomatoes, my flowers and my prized hostas. On the flip side, I think we ate two of their family members this summer. They were delicious. We fried them, serving them with biscuits and gravy. Touche'.
How will this end? I have no clue. All I know for sure is that I don't want anything to happen to them right now. I want to see where she has the babies, how many there are and maybe photograph them. When I told Tommy this, he groaned. I think he knows where this is going. As I have said many times, 'it doesn't take much to make me happy' or to piss me off. I am not sure yet which category fits the squirrels best. I think I will let it play out and see what happens.
They have armed themselves---
this is War....
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