Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Lake.....A Writing Prompt From Tami....

Friday night while Tami was trying to study, the kids and I were being loud and evidently making too much noise.  Before I knew it we had 'home work'. Tami gave us a 'writing assignment', asking Jacy and me if we wanted to write our version of her writing prompt.  We jumped at the chance.  Grabbing our pens, and journals we prepared to write our version of her homework. We took this seriously and began writing as fast as thoughts came. My hand writing is horrible.  I slashed through sentences that I did not like. Writing on the side of the paper, across the top and on the back, anywhere I could throw an adjective or a verb.

Jacy had a story to tell. Occasionally she asked how to spell a word. The words she asked about were 'cereal related'. I am anxious to see how she fits these words in her story.  Whatever she chose, she wrote with determination the creation in her mind.

Our writing prompt was: 'Write a 2 or 3 page story about a lake, and a man. The man has just murdered someone, however the story cannot mention this subject'.  Joey, Tami, Jacy and I each wrote a story. Today we exchanged them with Tami. I haven't read Joey's or Jacy's but Tami's writing prompt has the charisma for a really good short story or book.

Here is my writing prompt.  "The moon appeared high in the black sky, casting its reflection onto the lake below.  A slight breeze stirs the cattails and reeds causing a lapping sound, subtle yet steady at the water's edge.  The frogs continued their mating songs. Fireflies appeared momentarily, leaving in the blink of an eye.  A black water snake slithered across the water.  His destination, the reeds on the right side of the lake.

There was a strange smell in the air.  It was a cross between stale lake water and emissions of death. It waned in the breeze but never left the area completely.

A young man staggers down to the water's edge taking in all the night sights and sounds as he kneels down to dip his hands in the water.  Slowly, he gives a regretful, guttural moan. A sound completely at odds with nature's musical He washes his dirty hands, splashing his face in the process.  The water ripples around his wrists. Slowly the colors fade from his fingers, leaving a sliver of pink in the water. He watches the ribbon of color dissolve into the lake.

He wonders if he looks any different.  One gaze in the water tells him his reflection remains the same.  He wonders how that can be true. He feels changed.  His mind drifts as he stares at the water. He needs a plan, some direction, anything.

The night is in rare form, oblivious to the man's concerns or needs. The sounds of darkness resume their chorus,  a standing ovation awaits.  Nature is in control for now.  There will be no answers  coming from the lake tonight.   The young man is alone in his madness, and his anger.

All too soon the sun begins to rise. The shadows begin to dissolve in the light. The man continues to sit and stare, at nothing and at everything. If someone had told him 24 hours ago the mess he would be in today, he would have laughed and called them crazy.   For him life changed last night.  He doesn't yet understand the reality of the change. The feeling in his gut gives him a hint of what is to come.  The hint is scary, mind boggling and unreal. With all his heart, he wishes he were dead."


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