While in California last October attending Melodi and Lacey's wedding, I met a young couple who exemplify in my mind, the image of the 'modern day family.' They are the Travis and Jessica Gill family. Late Friday afternoon they arrived from Oxnard, California.
Everyone was debating about what to do first. We needed to finish decorating for the outdoor wedding but the wind was not cooperating. The gusts were too strong to set anything up and expect it to be in the same county when we arrived the next day for the wedding. All plans were on hold until Saturday morning when, hopefully, we could finish the decorating before the wedding late that afternoon.
We did have several rehearsal walks, adjusting the speed to the music, getting everyone lined up so we would know where we should be standing when the wedding march began. This is where Lisa and I met Travis, Jessica and their two beautiful daughters.
Travis was holding their baby, Ashton, when Lisa and I walked by them. Jess had Addison, their oldest daughter who is about 4, by the hand. Both Jess and Addison were in the wedding party. Jess was a bridesmaid and Addison was a flower girl.
The first thing to catch my eye about this young couple was Ashton's shoes. They were little black furry pompoms. She looked adorable; one little foot was kicking slowly as she enjoyed watching all the people around her. Nearly everyone stopped to say hello to them. The second thing to catch my attention was Jessica when she said, "Travis, you have Ashton tonight while Addison and I get ready for the wedding rehearsal." Jess gave him a peck on the cheek and off they went. I laughed to myself as Lisa and I walked away. I was remembering Tommy and me when we were about their age. Tommy always helped me with the girls...always. However, I am not so sure he would have kept a baby all night. He would have probably given the baby to the first nice lady who offered to help, while he went and grabbed a beer. Travis didn't. I know because Lisa and I asked him several times if he needed some help or a rest. He always smiled and said, "Thanks we are fine." That was impressive in my book. Wives and young mothers need a break from time to time. They need to have fun with their friends. I was glad to see this young couple had this worked out.

I enjoyed spending time watching this young family. They are beautiful, delightful and very funny. I know they 'got' me good:)
Since I am known for usually speaking what I am thinking, I should not have been surprised when this next fiasco happened...but I was passed surprised. All night I kept trying to remember where I knew Travis from. He looked familiar, but I could not place him. Finally, it dawned on me...he reminded me of Vin Diesel. Now why I couldn't keep this little tidbit to myself I will never know...but I couldn't. It popped out before I could catch it. I asked them if anyone ever told Travis he resembled Vin Diesel? He and Jess started laughing and about that time Jess hugs 'Vin' and says, "Oh Baby, she thinks you are hot!!!" I started laughing and backing up. "No, no I didn't say that exactly." Jess was having a good time with this and me. She said, "Sure you did" So I asked if I could take a family photo and got the heck out of there.
Lisa is sitting at a table near by and is laughing as I rush over. "Mama, did you just call that young man Vin Diesel??" "No of course not" I replied as I tried to crawl under the table. A new friend walked by and wanted to know if I would like a drink from the bar. "Why yes I would, I will take two tall icy screwdrivers in the bottle, please." Who knows after downing two of these maybe I will see Elvis!!
Travis and Jessica are wonderful, good people. They have a great start in life. They have just moved into their first home. I am excited for them. Jessica and I keep in touch on facebook. It was great to meet friends of Melodi and Lacey and to be able to call them friends now. They are a very good example of the new modern day family. I was very pleased to meet them.
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