Thursday, January 9, 2014

You Will Never Guess What I Bought Today...


I am the proud owner of a pristine six year old treadmill.  I know exactly what condition this treadmill is in, because I am the only owner this Trojan horse has had.  I purchased her with great gusto and good intentions. It wasn't long until the 'newness' wore off. She became the extra closet I had needed for years.

I named her 'Rosie' after Rosie the Riveter, the all American girl of World War ll. Also exercising and going to war, in my mind are close, minus the bullets, gunfire and random acts of violence. When I first bought her home I was an avid walker for two weeks. After those two weeks I realized I had placed Rosie in the wrong room. I had her in the den close to my computer.  When I tired of writing, I would hop on Rosie and walk off my frustrations and hopefully my urge for unnecessary commas.  This did not last long at all.  She took up too much floor space. I tripped over her when I turned out the lights and my dog hated the sight of Rosie.  As soon as I started to walk on Rosie, Sabella would start barking. She barked the whole five minutes I was on there!

I knew something had to be done. I removed all the throw rugs, cleaned a path through the kitchen into the living room and finally drug Rosie's happy wazoo into the 'art room.'  Now that was a workout!!! Thought I would die before I got Rosie through the bedroom aka 'art room' door. I will never move that horse again!  I shut the door and promptly forgot about her, until the first of the year when I decided for the millionth time to get up and least faster than a turtle. I made a pledge to walk in one of the Alzheimer marathons in the early summer.  In order to do this I need to get in good condition. The treadmill is back in the game. Rosie has been recommissioned!  I am watching my food intake and all that other healthy stuff I should have been doing all along. However, I felt like I needed a spark to get me going; something to ignite my imagination and make this life style change fun. I was on the prowl for a new gizmo.

Today I found that 'spark' at Walmart...a hula hoop!!  She is bright pink with sparkles all over her. She makes noise when tossed around and she was cheap.  What more could I ask for?? I was tempted to buy Tommy one too. They did not come in camo or he would have one of his own.

As soon as I placed her in the buggy a older gentleman standing near by started laughing and asked, "Are you really going to use that?"

"Of course I am. I will probably end up in the emergency room tonight but I am going to try.  When I was nine years old, I played with one of these things all the time.  I loved it. It should be great exercise!" I told him.

Still laughing he said, "It has been awhile since you were nine years old!  Good luck with that!" and he walked off laughing. 

I probably ran into that stranger three times before I left the store. He always wanted to talk about my 'hula hoop'. Before I knew it another gentleman had joined our conversation. When I took off to look for Tommy they waved as I walked away. Ladies, if you want to pick up a man in Walmart... put a hula hoop in your cart!!  I don't understand it but I swear they were coming out of the woodwork to talk about the hula hoop!!  Unbelievable!

What is worse, Tommy had about the same reaction! He wanted to know what on earth I was thinking. I explained it all to him and he walked off laughing.  When I checked out I told the clerk I was buying this hula hoop for my granddaughter before we ever walked down that road again.

Right now the hula hoop is hanging on Rosie. Tomorrow is a new day and I am tired tonight. I will start with a brisk one mile walk in the morning and then after a short rest...10 minutes with the hula hoop. Sounds like a plan to me:) If you don't hear from me for a few days...I will be in Callaway Hospital.


  1. Funny, entertaining! Now you need to baptize the hoop and introduce to Rosie.

  2. This reminds me...I should name my Elliptical too! Should it be a boy or girl? I've neglected him/her for far too long!

  3. Tropical Paragon, When I bought 'Rosie' we were going to be friends. If I had to do it over I think Rosie would be a boy...a very BAD boy:) one of those guys who seldom lives up to the advertisements...leaving me tired, sweaty and ready for a nap. Good luck with your Elliptical:)
