Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I Married an 'Otter'...Who Knew???

Tommy and I have a lot of strange conversations.  Just when I think we have discussed everything that could possibly be discussed, we come up with a new avenue of conversation.

A couple of weeks ago, we were driving to town and out of the blue I asked Tommy a silly question. "If you could be an animal what animal would you be?" I thought this would take some time to comment on but immediately Tommy says "An Otter".  That statement took me by surprise and I started laughing. In fact I could not stop laughing. 

I remember saying, "Tommy don't you want to think a little longer on the answer? Just kind of mull it over in your mind. I mean there are lots of animals to pick from." 

"No, that is my answer...I would be an otter!  Why do you find that so funny?"

I didn't have an answer to that question. I just thought it was funny. I asked him if by any chance he had been thinking about this and he started laughing saying, "Hell no!! You are the one who asked the question. I just gave you an answer."

He had me there.  Then I seriously wanted to know why he would be an otter.  After 44 years of marriage I knew there was a story there somewhere that I had not heard.  Here is his explanation. "Otters have fun. They play most of the time. They are family oriented. They enjoy their work and  they don't have a lot of enemies."  Great answer. He looked at me and wanted to know what animal I would pick?  Hmmm... Fourteen days later I still haven't decided.  However, Tommy picked one for me. He said I would be a turtle.  Here is his reasoning, " Turtles travel with their know how you are about your home.  They seldom get in a hurry and they live a long time."  Hmmm...  I am still thinking on this silly question. I guess 'turtle' is as good as anything.  However it would not have been my answer.

We had a good time that day. Laughed a lot and made some silly memories.  I learned something new about my husband...if he were an animal he would be an otter...who knew?

Want to hear something really odd...Tommy would make a perfect otter. That is his description to a 'T'. There is some insight in there among the B.S.

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