Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's Just One of Those Days

          Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed!!!  My agenda for the day was shot before 7 a.m.  I always get up and make coffee and head for my computer to see what all happened while I was sleeping.  Today was no exception.  I intended to check out a few blogs, talk to some friends and then write a blog.  Not this blog, however.

        It is common knowledge that my computer and I have a tentative--love, hate relationship.  I have to run scans on her several times a day just to keep her up and running. This morning I had 201 "things" that needed to be fixed.  It was shut off all night---makes me wonder what she does while I sleep.    I think I have a "party girl" for a computer.  One of those ladies who never say "NO"!!!  Apparently last night was a "good night" for her!!!  Heifer!!!!

      After two attempts at getting her up and running and a pot of coffee, Tommy gets up.  He had intended to turkey hunt today, but the weather is just this side of lousy, so he decided to stay home and turkey hunt out the front window!!!  It is not unusual for us to have deer and turkey in our yard.  And to be truthful, he has been known to take advantage of this.  However, today it is not the turkeys that have his attention but our resident woodpecker. This bird has been with us for several years and it soo wants to be a hummingbird!!!  It really needs either a "transbird operation" or some long intense therapy.  It will fly to the window feeder. Hit it at 40 miles an hour, swing from side to side, hang on to the feeder for dear life.  All the while trying to drink from a yellow plastic flower that he cannot reach!!!  This goes on off and on all day long. Today Tommy finds this funny and insists that I watch.  It was funny but I have seen it for 3 years so if I miss one episode, I can always catch the next one.

      I decided to feed the dogs while it is just misting rain and I let Sandy and Sabella in to dry out for a while.  Sabella, the German Shepherd, will eat anything.  She looked a little glassy eyed and I knew she wasn't feeling all that great, plus,she slinks when she is sick.  I put her blanket down and she preceded to throw up not once but twice on my carpet.  I swear there were possum teeth in that mess!!!!   She is worse than a goat---there is nothing that dog won't eat!!!!  I throw open the back door and shoo the dogs out.  So much for compassion.

     The phone won't quit ringing.  Tommy and I hate to talk on the phone. He just doesn't want to get up to answer it and I want to look the person in the eye I am talking to.  We try and wait each other out and just let the answering machine get it.  Sometimes we cave and answer it.  Tommy got it today, and I venture to say we will not be invited to another "on line town hall meeting"!!!

     It is already 11 a.m. and I have completely lost control of the day.  I thought about this for awhile.  Things are only upsetting in my mind----except for the possum teeth-- no matter how you look at it--possum teeth in puke on your carpet IS upsetting!!.  But I had cleaned it up. was time to let it go.  I am healthy, I'm happy and I have probably had too much caffeine. I am writing, which was what I wanted to do originally.  When I consider all the real troubles going on in the world, I have it pretty good. I have it better than "pretty good".I have a blessed life. The things that happened today were aggravating----but mostly they are aggravating in my mind.  That was my problem. 

     In my original blog, I wanted to write an open letter to my future great grandchildren. I wanted to tell them about how things are in my world.  I wanted them to know Tommy and me as people, a couple and as partners. I wanted to tell them about a country that I am afraid will not be there for them. A way of life that is laid back and easy going. I hope their futures will be prosperous, adventurous and exciting.  But just in case, I will keep writing them and try to give them a glimpse of who  we are and what we were.


  1. Love your blog. Glad you didn't get blown away or flooded in the bad weather the last few days,

  2. Thank you for reading my blog. I just figured out how to respond to comments. I was going about it all wrong!!! Imagine that!:)
