We woke up this morning finding it hard to believe we have been married for 44 years and at the same time it seems we have always been married. We both call that a blessing.
Tommy fixed coffee, bacon and pancakes for breakfast...my favorites. We reminisced some about our wedding day and laughed at all the things that went wrong the week we got married.
We didn't have any plans for today. I wanted to take down the Christmas tree and put up new living room curtains I received as a present for Christmas. Tommy thought he might replenish the wood we have stacked in the laundry room. We are each doing our own projects and plan to have dinner together tonight.
Sounds like a good easy going kind of day. And it would have been if I did not absolutely, positively...no doubt about it...despise hanging curtains!!! When the girls lived at home they ran and hid when I mentioned I might need their help with the curtains.
It is the only household project that effects me this way. I turn into a raging lunatic...not the kind of person one wants to be on their anniversary by any means.
The first time I try to get the curtains level... is a waste of time. They will never, ever be level on the first, second or fifth try.!! When I finished the first dry run, I step back to see how they looked and one side fell down. It wasn't just crooked...it hit the floor, just about the time my hammer did. Folks, it was not a pretty sight. The sounds were pretty bad also, to say the air was 'blue' was giving the air a water color wash job!!! Kind of a rainbow effect from Hell!
I am determined to do this...it may take awhile but those damn curtains will hang in my living room TODAY!!! I move on to plan B and get a bigger nail and hammer. I will make those puppies stay up or make them sorry they didn't.
The curtains go up first and the valance fits on top of the curtains. There is a distinct possibility I may have mixed those two rods up. Hmmm.That explains a lot...nothing I wanted to hear but it does explain. I take them down. Switch rods and try again. I am standing on a foot stool, one lick with the hammer and the very big nail and I slip and hit the floor. If we hadn't paid $400 for that window and it wasn't cold outside, I do believe I might have accidentally thrown my hammer through the middle of it. I am so glad I didn't. When Tommy heard me making all sorts of racket, he came running through the back door, to see if I had somehow been murdered.
There I sat on the floor, surrounded by yards of material, a hammer the size of Texas and a really, really bad attitude. Tommy was quiet for a second then says, "Do you need any help?" Music to my ears!~!! I don't need help...I needed for him to do it! He did. I also found out, 44 years later that he hates hanging curtains almost as much as I do. Hmmm I never knew that. Together we finally got the curtains up. " They really do look pretty" I said through squinted eyes.
We made a deal, these curtains stay up until we die or we can talk the kids into doing it next time.
Now that I am calm, I am taking my new wireless printer out to the sunroom and try and hook it up. Oh Joy..
Three hours later...
Tomorrow is another day. The printer never made it out of the box and that was probably a good thing. We took a nap and after the coffee gets done we will sip it in our living room...laughing at our screwed up anniversary while admiring our new curtains
I am telling the truth when I say it's God's glue that holds us together. Even when we act ignorant...especially when we act ignorant!! I am pretty sure He has a huge bottle of Glory glue that says "For Vicky Carter...use it on her ASAP and on occasion use it liberally...may take more than one dose."
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