Personally, I am very glad 2014 is almost over. Unfortunately that is my negative voice talking three octaves louder than my thankful voice. I am a blessed woman. I know it, I believe it however, I do not always remember this fact. I allowed negativity to take root and grow in my mind this past year. That is one mindset I intend to change in 2015.
The photo to the left is on my 65th birthday. Tommy had turned 66 three days before. We were on our way to dinner. We weathered a horrible storm on his birthday. My day was more calm. However, we enjoyed both days, making a few memories to add to other birthday's we have shared. It was difficult for me to wrap my mind around my new age. Mentally I didn't feel any different than I did when I turned 40, however my knees and back would beg to differ with me on that statement. Over the next few months I accepted my age. I liked who I was becoming. Years ago those words would have never entered my mind. I can now look at old photos of me and think 'I was pretty' no one could have made me believe it back then. For the first time in my life I wanted to do something I swore I would never ever do. I wanted to see how much grey hair was hiding under the color 'almond toast'. By Christmas I would know the answer to that question.
Logan, our grandson, became a two digit number on his birthday, April 1st. His home was packed with feisty, funny little boys accompanied by a huge 'Mind Craft' cake.
On October 30th Jacy turned 13. We have a teenager in our immediate family for the first time in twenty two years!! Jacy was born on Melodi Rae's 22nd birthday. It is hard to believe 'our baby girl' is 35.
My two favorite teenagers!!!
I love this photo. Melodi was baking!
Then came May. Tommy and I received a phone call from Lisa. It was a conversation that literally knocked the breath out of us. Lisa told us she had a brain tumor. There was more than a good chance it was cancer. The doctors could not be positive without a pathology report however they were preparing for the worst, hoping for the best AND they were going to operate. I had known for several months something was wrong in Florida. I just did not know what it was. Never, ever did I suspect a brain tumor. Without a doubt Lisa is the strongest woman I know. She was about to graduate from college in June. All our family had bought airline tickets to attend. Lisa was adamant that she would graduate and we would go to the Florida Keys to celebrate...and we did. How she kept her mind on her studies I will never understand...she just did it! Our family arrived within days of each other. Mikey Salisbury flew down with Tami. She made us laugh until we literally cried. Her stories of Mardis Gras were priceless. Everyone had a good time and the thought of cancer was rammed as far back in our minds as it would allow. We all came to Florida to celebrate Lisa and celebrate Lisa we did.
My favorite photo of the graduation. That is a million dollar smile...
One quick shot before we leave to attend Lisa's graduation
At Lisa's Graduation Dinner
Melodi and Lacey...
Key West ...
Mile Marker 90 miles to Cuba..
Lynn, Lisle's sister, went to Key West with us
We had a blast!!!
All too soon it was time to return home. Reality set in once again. It was days of 'hurry up and wait'. My imagination turned rabid. Everything I read about her type of brain tumor said she had from three to ten years to live. I could not accept those words. I could not imagine a life without Lisa. Fear dominated my days and nights. The doctor finally called to tell Lisa when the operation would be...July 22. I arrived at Ft. Meyers on July 19th. To be continued...