Thursday, May 14, 2015

If the Days of the Week Were People...

     I am on my daily date with my computer.  I try to visit  'my room' around 9 a.m. and write for a couple of hours...heavy on the 'try'.  This does not always happen. Today is the third time I have arrived this week.  I am a morning person so this should be easy for me.  It should be, however it is not.  I am not a very disciplined person.  9 a.m. often finds me knee deep in dirt in the backyard, or at our local big box store. I can be  lost in a good book or staring off into space listening to the conversation's in my head; trying to decide if I want to write what I am hearing.  I have more excuses than time.  Lately, more often than not, I drag butt and write when inspired. This is not a good habit for me. I know it slows my writing growth down considerably. However, I hate rules. . . love lists-hate rules. That my friends, is the rebellious kid still inside me who balked when told, "You will do this and you will like it!"  Hmmm, wouldn't bet my life savings on that one buddy. I shouldn't try to make excuses. The fact is some days I do not want to write and I don't.

   However, today I showed up to write and I have NOTHING.  Not a blog, not a new idea for  my three short stories that are about half way finished...nothing.  The stories  are still stuck where I last left them.

   Here I sit, watching the hummingbirds and listening to the rain. Eventually, I pulled out a list of 'writing prompts'.  They are crazy ideas that help jump start the mind's writing process.  I personally love to use these prompts.  I have written two short stories from a writing prompt idea. Maybe today will be the infusion treatment I need to write.  The one that caught my attention was, "What if the days of the week were people.  Give them names, ages, jobs and addresses." Why this one caught my imagination still has me shaking my head but it did.  It sounded like fun and I was soon off and writing.

   'Monday' is the first day of the work week. It usually gets a bad rap because few people are anxious to return to their money making life on Monday.   The weekend is never long enough.  Who knew Monday's real name is 'Mona'?   Mona is 56 years old and has never been married. No regrets there  because Mona  never wanted to be married.  She is overweight and does not care at all. When she looks at herself in the mirror she smiles. When she sees skinny women she mentally laughs thinking 'they need more cake!'   She lives her life by her rules. And her number one rule is to get the week started!!  She is the first person to arrive at the office.  She makes the coffee, straightens the desk, pulls out folder after folder of plans for the work week and spreads them across the cleaned desk.  She waters the flowers, grabs her purse and heads for the coffee shop around the corner.  Inside she orders a caramel frappuccino  and a brownie. She buys a USA Today newspaper and reads about the rest of the world. She checks her watch once and heads back to the office.  Monday is finally in full swing in New York City. Mona is now on the clock.

   'Tuesday' is 'Traffic Court Tina. She is a tall, lanky blond woman about 23 years of age. She hates being the day after Monday and the day before Wednesday.  No one cares about her. She is a 'filler' day in the week. She is not happy with her job but it will do until' Friday' dies...then she is applying for her position.  Tina slouches when she stands before the judge in traffic court.  He gives her 'the look' and she stands straight and tall. There will be no slouching on Tuesday. Tina is part of the bridge work program needed by the masses to reach Wednesday.  That is all she will ever be...and it makes her angry.  In her mind she finds solace in the fact 'Friday'  live will not live forever.  For the time being Tina  resides in Chicago and smokes pot after 5 p.m.

   'Wednesday', is petite, pretty and peppy.  She is in her early twenties  and has the world by the cajones.  Everyone LOVES Wednesday!! There was a huge debate over 'Wednesday's' name. Eventually it was decided she would simply be named 'Wednesday'.  It fit and everyone loved the name except for Traffic Court Tina. Wednesday lives in San Francisco and is a successful writer.  Her life is a tad bit glamorous. She makes the talk show circuit and occasionally the nightly news. People look forward to meeting Wednesday. Wherever she goes they are anxious for her arrival.  Unfortunately they are also anxious for her exit.  After Wednesday it is only two days until the much anticipated weekend...and that is what they are living for...the weekend. In reality, Wednesday is a means to an end. She just does not know it.

   'Thursday' has reddish brown hair and sky blue eyes. Her nose is sprinkled with freckles and her two front teeth are missing. She and Traffic Court Tina got into a fight over one of the male months named ' November'.  Thursday won the' month' but lost her two front teeth. Poor Tina ended up in Traffic Court. Thursday's real name is Thea. It is a lovely name that no one remembers so when someone yells for 'Thursday' she answers.  Thea  is a maid in an upscale hotel in Las Vegas.  She is currently plotting to kick Tina's arse as soon as she make a  trip to Chicago.

   After four days of working,  the world is ready for Friday to roll around. It is usually pay day. People seldom have to work overtime on Friday and the weekend is only eight hours away. This is where our girl Friday who is really named 'Sally' comes in to play. And play is about all Sally does. She spends her day avoiding anyone with any power to change her upcoming schedule. Sally lives totally for high heels and the weekend.  No one knows exactly what Sally's job really is. It has been rumored she runs an escort service. Sally will neither confirm nor deny.  She simply throws her mane of blond hair over her shoulder as she sits down on the edge of some man's desk smiling, while she crosses her legs and lets a  black Jimmy Choo dangle from her right foot. Sally is often reckless with her life. At twenty five, consequences to living never enter her mind. She lives in Key West and would not have it any other way.

   The weekend has arrived. 'Shirley Sleep In' is finally here. No alarms are set.  Everyone knows it is Saturday. When the urge to pee outweighs one more second of sleep, Shirley wakes up and joins the rest of the world.  There is no defining age, or hair  color or weight for 'Shirley'.  She is what everyone sees when they look in the mirror on a late Saturday morning.  She is the face of  every worker who made it through forty hours of work and a very eventful Friday night celebration.  Shirley is whimsical, fluid and easily amused...a chameleon hiding in plain sight.   She lives in the guest room of most homes, in any city USA.

   Then comes Sunday. The most diverse day of the week.  It is often referred to 'as the day after the night before'.  For some it is a day of worship and family. For everyone it is the last day before the next work week begins. The day to make the game plan for next week.  The name 'Sonny' fits Sundays.  She is a tall, tan brunette  with an angelic smile and black eyes that continually look for a soul. She is ageless, and knows the feelings and thoughts of millions of Monday morning commuters.  She is the day before Mona arrives and it all starts over again. No one knows for sure where Sonny resides. That is the way she wants it for now.

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