I was on a mission. It looked more like I was killing snakes than cleaning house. Hours later, the house looked to suit me. However, I was all wired up and running on empty, when I finally sat down to take a break. I looked over at the daisy's Tommy bought me a few days ago and they looked a little on the droopy side. I decided to give them fresh water and a baby aspirin and while I was at it, I thought I'd take a much needed Xanax. Sounded simple. It was an easy fix for droopy flowers and a stressed out crazy woman with her hair on fire. But no---no--no, not in this household. By accident I gave the Xanax to the daisies and I took the baby aspirin!! I sat down in my recliner to relax. Thirty minutes later, nothing had changed. The flowers were still droopy and I was still wired!! I waited and read for another hour. I was calmer but not by much. Finally, I got up and checked on the flowers. A few white daisies looked dead from where I was sitting. As I removed the dead daisies, I saw a little blue pill at the bottom of the vase...slowly dissolving in the water.
A string of obscenities may have exploded from my lips. I hope not but I am inclined to believe it happened. I returned to the kitchen and got the right pill for me and a glass of tea. Later, as I looked at the flowers, they had perked up a little. Although the white daisy's died; every other color stood a little straighter and almost smiled. The knot in my chest was gone and my mind had slowed down to a normal pace. Whatever 'normal' is in this world!
I called it a day. I was through working! About that time, Tommy opens the back door and wants to know if I would help him mow the yard. "Why yes I will darlin'...I live to mow the yard", I said as I slipped on my sandals, grabbed us two bottles of water and sauntered out the back door. I mowed and I never once got out of second gear. That was as fast as I wanted to move for the next three hours. Finally, we called it a day...and what a day it was!
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