Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Plant Rosemary for Remembrance...

   My love for reading is second only to my love for writing. I must admit I have an underfed appetite for books, adventure and knowledge.  I read a wide variety of genres. When a new author or a new subject catches my interest, I read every book the author has written. I become so engrossed in their writing that I would know their voice anywhere.  As for the new subject matter; I go to my own form of university Google 101. I dig in and I dig deep. I do not stop researching or reading until I feel comfortable with the new subject.  It is more a pick and choose learning experience than a required reading program.

   Currently I am revisiting my fascination with herbs. I have wandered in and out of this subject my whole adult life.  I enjoy the myths, legends, and truths certain plants hold in our history. I am particularly drawn to Indian remedies and the old western settlers means of survival. These folks were on their own most of the time as far as medical treatment was concerned. Healing practices, potions and proverbs were handed down from one generation to the next. Someone in each family  usually had a special affinity for healing. They are the ones people relied on for help. If their immediate family had been omitted from the healing tree, then their neighbors came to their aid.  Someone, somewhere knew how to handle best they could.

    Years ago my daughters, Lisa, Tami, Melodi and I watched the movie, 'Practical Magic'. We loved that movie. We watched it over and over. All of us can still quote lines from the movie and do the Margarita dance when the moment arises.  My favorite quote in the movie was spoken by Sally Owens.  "There are some things I know for certain: always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder; keep rosemary by your garden gate; plant lavender for luck; and fall in love whenever you can." I am never without rosemary by my back door or a lavender planted somewhere close.

   Shakespeare's character Ophelia says, in a scene in "Hamlet" " There is rosemary, that is for remembrance ."  Earlier this week I received an email about rosemary. It was exalting the fact that inhaling the scent of the rosemary plant actually helps to increase memory retention.  Far be it from me to argue with the Bard or science. I like the idea of sniffing rosemary to increase the memory. It has a woodsy clean smell.  Does it work...I have no clue. In an age where most people are terrified of loosing their memories, I would say a few sniffs a day can not hurt. And while you are at it, plant some lavender for luck...just in case.

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