Saturday, July 2, 2011

I Thought I Had Seen Everything Until-----

I HATE MICE!!!!  I can not find anything cute or endearing about the nasty rodents.  We live within the 10 mile perimeter of a nuclear plant and I honestly think the mice in our area have profited from that. I personally think they have gone bionic!! It is next to impossible to kill the little monsters!!!  I have fought with them all winter and evidently I did not win, because they are still here. Well so am I, and I am declaring WAR on the mangy varmints!!!

Earlier in the winter, I heard a noise in the kitchen and a mouse had an empty D-CON box, dragging it all over the kitchen.  It actually looked like it was fighting with the box.

Then a few weeks ago, I was sitting up late reading, when two mice came running through the living room, playing "tag" or mating....not sure which. We set traps and got two the next night.  Well, evidently after I went to bed the party continued and more mice must have joined because I saw a baby mouse today!!!

This was not any chance meeting either.  It was down right freaky!!!!  To set the stage for this unbelievable but true story, it is July and almost 100 degrees outside with the humidity not far behind.

It was a normal Saturday for us. A trip to town, company off and on through out the day and just basically trying to stay out of the heat as much as possible.

Tonight after I had fed the hummingbirds and watered the flowers and garden, I came back in the house and sat down in my chair.  I was getting ready to feed my Beta fish, Mad Max, when I looked at the fish bowl and saw a big brown rock.  I knew I hadn't put the rock in there, but we had  some children over and I thought one of them might have placed a rock in there.

I was in the process of feeding Max, when I noticed the rock  had eyes!!!!  I looked closer and realized that there was a dead MOUSE in Max's bowl.  I was shocked a little stunned ---not to mention appalled!!

How does a mouse get in a fish bowl?  Better yet, why does a mouse get in a fish bowl?

I didn't even know mice could swim---apparently they can't, or at least they can't tread water long.  This one was flat out dead.

 I yelled for Tommy and he came running in to see what all the commotion was about.  When I told him, he started laughing and said, "No Way".

 I was in a "state" to put it mildly. I think I said something to the affect of "Why would I make up a story about a dead mouse in my fish bowl???  Who thinks of that crap?  Just get him out of there before Max dies!!"

I ran and got him a paper towel and a fish net catcher.  He was still laughing when he flushed the mouse down the toilet!!!!  Good send off as far as I am concerned!

Max seems fine.  I don't know how long the little mouse was in there, but it couldn't have been long.

Then I started trying to figure how the mouse got in the bowl in the first place.  My CSI skills kicked in...(I knew that show would come in handy one day.) The crime scene had already been cleaned---no evidence of foul play, leaving us with suicide or accidental drowning.

No blood splatter (Dexter would be so proud of me)  As best as I can figure, the mouse climbed up on my stash of books I have on the arm of the couch, and mistook the fish bowl for something solid and fell in.

I wonder what Max thought when the mouse landed in his bowl?  Wonder even more what the mouse thought when he hit the water?  I bet he was wishing he had ate the D-CON!!!  I know I was.

I just checked on Max and he looks like he is still in a state of shock.  Moving slow, a little on the jumpy side.  I pecked on the side of the bowl and he looked at me like he was on the verge of fainting.  I don't think I will peck on his bowl anymore tonight.  A fish can only have so much excitement in one day.  He needs to rest. 

I put my books away, except for the one I am reading. Moved the fish bowl a little farther away form the couch arm.  If there is a dead mouse in there in the morning, will be ruled "suicide", because he would have to climb a glass bowl to get in it.

Traps are set, D-CON has been replaced with something a little stronger.  It is almost midnight and I am wide awake-----bring it on you little nasty bastards----I am ready to PLAY!!!


  1. We have two dachshunds at home and they get two to three RATS a week between them. They really are very good at it. We've never had a bad rodent infestation since we had these dogs....

  2. years ago we had a dachshund named Fudge". After he died
    we didn't get another "inside" dog. we all missed him too much, however time has gone by and a new member to the family may be a good answer to my problem.
