Saturday, July 30, 2011

300,000,000 American Citizens verses 545 elected officials

I love my country beyond measure!!!!  That flag will always fly in my front yard!!!  I get a lump in my throat when I hear or sing "God Bless America"!! I support our troops.

But I am so angry with the elected officials in Washington D.C.  They are the reason we are in this mess.  They have run our country into a debt that will never be repaid.  We are on the brink of national disaster and still they play games.  

Do they really think the American people are so stupid that we won't remember this the next time we go to the polls?

The men and women in Congress need to vote what is right for America---but they have lost all perspective of what is right. They vote party lines!! 

The people have not forgotten what is right for America.  These foolish acting men and women will be voted out---unfortunately not in time to stop their ignorance from causing our country great harm.  Also there is no guarantee any more,that the next bunch voted in will be any better.

Aug. 2, 2011 is approaching fast. What will happen then if they still can't agree?  I personally think they will have an 11th hour epiphany and agree on some plan that has been proposed 10 times before.  If they do----I still don't care!!!  I am through with that bunch now and forever.

I know in my gut, for the rest of my life, these people or the people who take their places, will hold Social Security,and Medicare over our heads until we die.  It is scare tactics and that pisses me off!!!

Somewhere along the way these programs became "entitlement programs".  If you worked, you paid for these "entitlements" out of your check.  With the agreement that when you retired, you would receive a monthly check---from your own money paid into the program. That was fine. Just another way to save for the future.

However, the government decided to "borrow" money from the Social Security with the promise to repay the loans.  We all know how that went!!

And now they want to "cut" what was never theirs in the first place.  When Social Security was enacted, Congress opted out of it---for their own better plan. And I guarantee no one has "borrowed" money from their plan.

There is no country that can attack or ruin us from the outside. None!!!  But if we fall it will be because of greed and treachery of our leaders.

There are 545 men and women in power, including the Supreme Court.  There are 300,000,000 American citizens.  The odds should be in our favor, but in reality they are not.

I had a relative Thomas Stone, of Maryland, to sign the Declaration of Independence.  I do believe he would turn over in his grave, if he could see what is happening to his country. 

I want my country back on solid ground, run by men and women I respect and believe in.  I want a future that is blessed and still respected for my descendants. I want a government "for the people and by the people". I desperately want Washington to listen to the 300,000,000 voices that are as angry as I am.

But just in case Washington doesn't listen, I may go check out a language teaching tape on "How to Speak Chinese"---It may come in handy someday...and that is a sad statement to make....and one that may be all too true.

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