Monday, August 20, 2012

August 20, 2012 Kindergarten 101

Today has been a very good day.  For me it was a day of learning.  On our vacation I literally wore my camera out.  I take lots of pictures on any given day. Bridges, trains, old barns, odd people, rocks, streams, just any and everything that catches my eye. The camera was well used before we started out. I don't print off all the photos I take. The ones I do, I put in an envelope, date it and write what I photographed for future blogs.  I am really thankful it waited to die until we got home. I went to Walmart with every intention of getting another Kodak easy share. Only to find out Kodak has gone out of business. I really don't know how I missed this but it sure got by me.

A nice little guy from the Middle East was helping me find a new camera. I bought the one he suggested.  When I got home I tried to get it to work and failed---miserably and rather noisily I must add.  Tommy says with his usual moral support---"why do you always buy things you can't work?"  It is simple Tommy, "that is all they sell now days!"  His reply was "then don't buy it."  That will not solve anything nor was it an option!  We have to learn and keep up as best we can with the changing times.

First thing Monday morning we go to WalMart in Fulton to take back the camera and get something easier to use.  I was all prepared for an argument. I was so wrong. The young lady who waited on me could not have been nicer.  As I handed her my camera and all its parts that I couldn't fit together, I told her I would need another camera. That camera was too hard to work. Before I got the last words out of my mouth, she had the camera together and it was back in my hand. I looked at the camera and asked her to do that again. I missed the whole operation and I still didn't know what she did.  She started laughing, saying I reminded her of her mother. She then very slowly showed me again how to work my camera.  I asked if there were any easier cameras to buy. She smiled and said, "Mam, they are all basically the same. You can do this."

I hesitated for a minute, that is when my hero says, "All she really needs are some blank sheets of paper and some colors.  She can make her own pictures."  That's when I tell the young lady that the camera is perfect. Thanked her for her help, grabbed my camera and bag of goodies that appear to be add on's to the camera, and get ready to leave. Tommy is just tickled pink!  I can work it a little and by morning I will know exactly how to work it. He on the other hand will not know Squat about the camera!!!

Tommy and I then strolled to the hunting section. To my utter surprise I saw locked behind glass cases, assault rifles, with 30 round clips, ranging from $600 to a $1,000.  They were 22 caliber and 223 caliber. I wanted him to buy one. The only hold back was the fact that it would be registered.  I really believe that some day in the future, guns will confiscated. It has happened in other countries and there are factions in America that are trying to get this done. I hope I am wrong.

We soon left WalMart with a ton of things to talk about.  We stopped, got a bite to eat then headed home. It was a good day in my part of the world. I sincerely hope it was in your corner of the world also.

1 comment:

  1. Good one. All they have to do is control ammo and components.
