Saturday, August 18, 2012

Poor Melodi.....

When Tommy and I travel, he always does the driving.  The main reason he does this is because he hates how I drive.....and I hate how he grabs the dash, slams on his imaginary brake and just generally behaves like my Mother did when she was alive and had to ride with me!

There were three of us on the trip to California, Mel, Tommy and me.  Tommy wanted to drive the truck, and I assumed Melodi would drive the car. I would just visit around with the two of them.  Melodi and I were not on the same page.  She had already driven half way across the country by herself and was tired.  She wanted me to drive.  Oh my God this is not gonna be pretty by any means.  When we reached Colorado, Melodi told me I had to drive.  So I did.  She got her pillow, laid the seat back and tried to sleep.  

I swear I tried to be quiet but I have always talked to myself and when I drive I talk to the other drivers on the road!  If they drive like idiots, I let them know in no uncertain words.  I must admit, Colorado and Utah have more than there share of idiots driving 90 to nothing in the mountains.  Insane for sure.  I tried to be quiet, however a semi cut me off and nearly ran me into a mountain. Various  curse words erupted from me.  Melodi came flying up out of a sound sleep wanting to know what was wrong.  I apologized and told her to go back to sleep.  Everything was fine. She told me to be quiet and not talk.  I tried . I really did  try.

We hit a stretch of mountains that were gorgeous. No one was behind me.  Tommy was in front and Mel was asleep.  I needed some pictures of these mountains----bad.  I slipped my camera out of the case and slowed down.  I was clicking away on straight stretches.  There weren't many of them.  All of a sudden Melodi wakes up and snatches my camera out of my hand.  She turns the clicker off on my camera.  I didn't know that could be done.  Now my camera is silent when I take pictures.  I like that. Evidently Mel did too. Once again she tries to sleep.  I had been driving about 3 hours and I was happy.  I was finally driving through the mountains!!  This is another thing I could check off my Bucket List.

However, Melodi was not quite as happy as I was----even after a three hour nap!  She sets up, snatches the camera out of my hand and begins to take pictures.  She said she felt better, more rested and wanted to see what I kept ooohing and ahhing about.  She took some great shots. When I pulled in to gas up, Melodi took the wheel.  I asked her if  she wanted me to drive. She gave me the Carter "look" over her sunglasses. I went and got in the truck with Tommy.  He was glad to see me and was ready for some company. That was a good thing because I was out of options for the rest of that day.



  1. I don't know if it should me named " Poor Melody" or " Poor Vicky" ! Fun reading!
