I spent last weekend with my grandchildren in Centralia. We broke a few rules and had a good time. We ate when we were hungry--and a few times when we were not. At times, hot pockets just looked good and we wanted to munch.
Since there was no school, we didn't have a bedtime. We were usually in bed by 10 p.m...usually...give or take an hour or two.
The first thing on the agenda was to stay home until we really, really wanted to go out in public. We wore our p.j.'s the first day, all day long. No one wanted to go anywhere. When they needed to get out of the house for a few minutes, they took their dogs out to potty and jumped on the trampoline.
The trampoline almost gave me an anxiety attack!! They loved that fact!! I heard "Hey Nonnie, don't go back inside---watch us!! Take a picture.!!" If I heard it once, I heard it a 100 times, as I tried to make a break for the house. They would giggle, knowing perfectly well how I feel about the trampoline. It gets rid of a lot of energy for them. They jump, fly, flip, toss and stagger around for 30 minutes or an hour and they are ready to settle down for a little while. I am ready for a xanax. I call the above shot, "Brother and sister flying through the air, while Nonnie nearly throws up."
Not only do they do all sorts of fly by's, they do tricks too. Jacy calls the above photo, "Girl pretending to be a cat." I can actually see that. The more I look at this picture, the more convinced I am this is Jacy doing a rabbit impersonation. Logan proceeded to do a flip with the assistance of their dog Delta. She was in the process of jumping up on the trampoline when I took the shot.
I thought for sure she would get hurt but she bounced and was on the ground before I could take the shot. I have to admit that was funny and Delta seemed to enjoy her adventure. I hope she never does it again while I am here.
Logan entertained me with his favorite band, Aerosmith by playing Guitar Hero for me at 7a.m. He is really good. There is no way you can play Guitar Hero any way but loud. There is loud at 3 p.m. and there is loud at 7 a.m. I think 7 a.m. is the loudest!
I sat on the couch wrapped in a blanket, drinking Pumpkin Flavored coffee, thoroughly enjoy my time with Logan. He was surprised I knew the words to the songs. I told him I was old, not dead. Smoozer that he is, he said, "Awe Nonnie your not old at all." Play all you want to little boy this is a good day in the making.
By one o'clock on Saturday we were ready to see civilization. I gave each one of the kids $10, to spend at WalMart. We were on a budget. Logan is a natural born hunter. He knows what he wants the minute he sees it. He grabs it, being completely satisfied with his catch.
Jacy on the other hand can never make up her mind. Too many shinny things to see, feel and touch. She shops like I do. Logan 's treasure was 2 packs of "Big Boots". He asked me if he could get them. I told him that was fine with me. He looked at me kind of funny and said, "Really?" I said " sure, looks like fun. " He laughed and I think he said as he walked off, "Cool, Mom wouldn't let me get them." I may have misunderstood.... I heard right the first time.
Jacy finally finds what she wants while I am in the process of getting some glitter, neon necklaces that glow in the dark and 3 glass containers so we can make "Magic in a Bottle". Something I found on the internet. I am sure this will work, since the internet never lies!!
As we are getting ready to leave, Jacy finds a broom that she needs for her Halloween custom while Logan finds a monster wolf that he wants to be for Halloween. We are ready to leave the store. Taco Bell is our next destination. After we get there, we place our order. The kids ask if they can go get their sodas. I said 'sure' and I wait to pay. I hear Jacy say, "Logan don't get that!" Too late, he got it---a medium Mt. Dew!! More caffeine than any little 8 year old boy needs. I have lost my touch. I used to be able to foresee these things coming with the girls. Not any more.

Tami has hard wood floors upstairs. The perfect sound track for 6 wooden weebles, who when thrown down the hallway all land on their 'Big Feet' after they bounce off the walls, the doors, and my head, the dogs head any and everything that was in the way. He loved it!!! Jacy loved it!!! And I learned how to dodge the bullet on occasion. I have to confess that is the worst $10.00 I have spent in a long time. I still hear echos of "Hey Nonnie, here comes my favorite "Big Boot", right past your big toe!!!!" Note to self---no caffeine, no toys that sound like a marching army and nothing with "Big Boots".

Jacy asked if they could watch a movie. I said sure. The next thing I know they are watching "Titanic !! So much for cutting down on the drama. Logan's caffeine level hasn't dropped at bit. He is ready for the ship to sink---unfortunately the movie has only begun to play. To my utter shock we all slept that night. At 9 p.m. I would not have bet a dollar on that one.
Jacy and I decided to take her dog Precious, to the park. Logan wanted to stay and play with his "Big feet". That was fine. We were less than a block from his house. It gave us time for some 'girl talk'. She is growing up so fast. However, I was pleased to note that she really isn't in any hurry to grow up. I think she is happy just like she is. That is a good place for a little girl to be.
Jacy has a birthday on October 30th. She will be 11. I had thought I would get her a bottle of Taylor Swift perfume for her birthday. I asked her if she would like to have the perfume. She thought for a minute and said, "No, I think I will stay a little girl a little longer."
Music to my ears. She has all the time in the world to be a grown up but only a little while to be 11.
The next morning was Sunday. The kids wanted chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. I made them but under a strict watchful eye of Logan. He wanted them to be just like Tami's.
SCORE one for Nonnie!!!! They loved the pancakes. Tami came home about 2 p.m. and I went back to Williamsburg. I had a wonderful time. The babies did too. We made a lot of memories, mostly we laughed, talked and enjoyed our three days together. I missed them before I reached the interstate.
The only downer was my "Magic in a Bottle".....shock! Shock! the Internet.....lied:) All I created was a glitter mess in a glass jar. Oh well, live and learn. I still have two bottles of junk and I intend to make some 'magic' sooner or later. If the magic fails to appear, I can always go back to Tami's----their home is full of magic:)
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