I have been forced by circumstances beyond my control to start a new life. With the start of this new life, comes a new title for my blog. It is now called, A New Journey... You can still read my old blog under 'Archives'. I hope you will stay with me on this journey. Much love to all.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
2012 in Word and in Pictures...
In a matter of hours 2012 will cease to exist. All that will be left of those 365 days will be our memories.
I become very mellow and reflective the last week of the year. I have a hard time letting go of some years and some memories.
This year, for the most part, has been very good to my family and myself. We all made new memories and had adventures together and apart. Except for the past 2 months, it was a good year for Tommy and me. His health slapped me in the face with a truth I did not want to accept. In my mind's eye, Tommy and I will forever be 40 years old. In reality we are far from that age. Sometimes when we are window shopping, I will catch a glimpse of us and for a second, I wonder who that couple is...then I smile and remember it is us...
My mother used to say all the time, "Time flies". When I was a child I thought that was an odd expression. Time did not matter to me at all when I was 8 years old. I remember Christmas Eve's that I thought would never end....while I waited on Santa to slip in with my toys. I remember hot, humid days in Kentucky with no air conditioning. I thought each day lasted a week when we were in the midst of a July dry spell. Later at night, the window fan finally cooled us as we slept. The sound of a train going down the tracks behind our house lumbered through our sleep...heard but only recognized in our dreams. I remember waiting for the first snow to fall and all the excitement that went with its presence.
Then I grew up, started my own life with Tommy, I caught myself saying the same words to my girls that Mama said to me. "Time flies". Truer words were never spoken. Life goes by fast.
Below are a few pictures of 2012. They are proof of the memories we shared. I could not begin to post everything. I am sure my muse and I are not through with 2012. There are many stories yet to tell.
Celebrating our 43rd Christmas
Christmas morning 2012
at Jacy's Winter concert
First year to play the viola
Thanksgiving and Halloween
2012 Election--You Know Who Won
Logan playing flag football
Miss Sacajawea
It was a year of writing for Tami and me.
We spent a fabulous week with Lisa and Lisle
in Florida.....
It doesn't get much better than this day......
Tami and Tommy
One of my favorite pictures of us
This was made in Tennessee--love mirror images
Flying above the Clouds
Fishing with Tommy at the River.......
Visiting Daddy in Kentucky
Moved Melodi to California in July...what a trip!!!
Moving Melodi from one side of the country to the other
Melodi took us to Vegas!!!
Ben Hook
Jody Hook
Tommy and Bobby
I have friends from all over the world, I am blessed.......
As Mama would say, "Time flies" and it really does. This year was filled with love and loss, health and sickness, beauty and wonder. It was an amazing journey. I wouldn't have missed it for the world!!
Love to you all!! You make
my life happier than you
will ever know.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Another Year of Resolutions...
I am a list maker from way back. I don't know how anyone manages their life without a list. As 2013 is fast approaching I find myself making my New Year's Resolution's. However, just because I make a resolution does not mean I follow through with it. It means I thought about it for awhile, decided it was a good idea to pursue. Actually took the time to write it down and then, in all probability, tried it for 3 days only to discover that it takes a lot of discipline to accomplish any goal or change in life. That is where the hick up resides in my life---discipline. It is not in my style to be disciplined. I even have trouble spelling the word 'discipline'. For the past 15 minutes, my first paragraph has been high lighted in yellow by 'spell check'. I have spelled discipline every way but the right way. Finally 'spell check' gave up on me, that is when I had to drag out the dictionary. Got it 'discipline'...it does not come easy to me in any form.
I usually keep my New Year's Resolutions List from one year to the next. The first 3 items on the list never change. Every year I write things I hope will change and every year I get the same results.
1. Loose weight---since I retired in 2009 I have packed on 20 extra pounds in addition to the other 20 pounds I was already dragging around. I have to get serious about this and regain control of my body before it is too late. Here is my loop hole "define too late". I can always make excuses such as "I am tall, I can handle it" Pure Vicky B.S. I am not that tall and I have shrunk over the past 2 years. Hmmmm Once again this year, loose weight heads my list.
2. Exercise daily. Walk at least 2 miles a day. No excuse on this one. Right??? I live in the country, I live 3 miles down a gravel road, I should be able to do this. This sounds easy and even mind soothing, unless you live here. In a perfect world, I would be out in nature, camera in hand, breathing in fresh air, walking at my own pace, extending my life span. Really??? Walking on my road is taking your life in your hands. Everyone in the country and I do mean everyone, drives 40 miles an hour down the middle of the road, slinging rocks everywhere. If the pickup trucks miss me and the road grader manages to not screw up the road before I can get home, I still have to contend with the UPS guy. If I didn't know better I would swear that someone has put a contract out on me and the UPS man intends to collect!
3. Get published!! In order to do this I have to actually get my short stories or essays to the publisher. That involves moving my 'stuff' from my computer to the publisher's computer. Children can do this. For some reason, it escapes me. I have tried. Joey, Tami's boyfriend has written instructions on how to do this. They sit to my right as I type this, always close at hand. I have tried to send Joey 'practice' stories. I have tried, and tried. Lord knows I have tried and yet as far as I know, no one has received a single thing from me. Fear not I have a plan. I want to see my name in print. I have all of 2013 to get this done. I am full of stories and I love to write. However, if the last week of 2013 rolls around and my name is not in print----I am putting in an extra phone line at our house and it will be listed in the new phone book under 'Vicky Carter, author' !!!! My name will be in print, in a book--one way or the other:)
There are many more resolutions on my list. Trips to take, people to meet and stories to write. I am anxious for 2013 to begin. I am motivated and ready to start my new adventures. However, it is still 2012 and I have already shot all my resolutions in the foot for this year, so I might as well finish eating the last piece of cheesecake, while reading "Godspeed" by February Grace. I will be sitting in my favorite blue recliner as I enjoy both of these luxuries. I will be sipping my favorite beverage--coffee, from my treasured 'Badass Coffee cup', I bought in Florida. If I get sleepy, well I can take a nap. After all I am going to need my strength and stamina built up for my new lifestyle in 2013.....right!
I wish you all a very Happy New Year, filled with your heart's desires. I thank God for each and everyone of you who share your time reading my blog. I love you for it. Cheers.....
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Our 12th Wedding Anniversary---Debbie this one is for You...
Memories of Debbie and Harold Dickens have played in the edges of my mind all day. Debbie in particular has slipped in and out of my thoughts. She whispered in my ear while I slept. When Tommy and I were eating carrot cake, complements of Busy Corner Cafe, Debbie dropped hints concerning a chocolate cake she made for one of our anniversaries. She smiled at that memory. I know because I felt it in my heart.
Debbie and Harold used to be neighbors of ours. They lived about a half mile down the road from us. Melodi was a baby, just learning to walk. Harold adored Melodi. Their daughter Jeanne was almost Tami's age, around 3 or 4. We spent a lot of time together. In fact, we gave them their wedding. They asked us to be Godparents to Melissa when she was born. I cleaned Debbie's house before Ryan their son was bought home from the hospital. Harold is a great mechanic. He was forever keeping my car running, between pay days. We were friends and we were family too. As friends do, we filled in the gap when one of us needed something.
Today is our 43 anniversary. Tommy and I got married the day after Christmas in 1969. When we were young and getting started we were usually broke on that particular day, having spent most of our money on Santa Claus. We always had candles, a bottle of wine and a good dinner at home. Every now and then we would go out and celebrate. As the years went by we have celebrated more and more.
For our 12th anniversary we had no plans except for our usual ritual. About 5:30 that evening Debbie and Harold stopped by our house saying, "Happy Anniversary, we are babysitting for you tonight! Go out to dinner and have some fun!" We were dressed and ready in 30 minutes....before they changed their minds:)
We did have fun that night. We went to Kings Row, devouring steak dinners by candlelight. There was a band playing, after finding out it was our anniversary, they dedicated a song to us. "Walk Through this World with Me" . We were the only two dancing for about the first half of the song. I was so moved by everything that I cried.
We drove around Fulton looking at Christmas lights and listening to the last of Christmas music for the year. It had snowed and the roads were slick in places. We decided to make an early evening. I guess we were home by 11 p.m. The kids were all asleep. Debbie and Harold were sitting on the couch watching t.v. When we got home we thanked them and shared a glass of wine together. We told stories and laughed a lot that night. It was a good anniversary and a good memory.
A few years ago Debbie was murdered. They never did find the killer. It was horrible and such a waste of a life. Harold took it very hard but has eventually moved on with his life. Nothing is the same any more. Tommy and I went to Melissa's wedding. As Harold and Melissa walked down the isle there was a picture of Debbie close to the alter. Melissa touched her fingers to her lips and kissed the photo. Once again, I cried.
Over the years we have been blessed with a network of friends. They are as loved as our blood relatives. They are family. Harold and Debbie were part of that connection. I miss them both. I will never forget them. When I think of them I smile. We had fun together. They were a part of our youth. I will always remember our 12th anniversary and be very grateful to Debbie and Harold for the good time they allowed us to have.
Thank you Debbie for all the nudges today. You were right, it is past time to write this story of us.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
I Think the Mayan's Missed the end of the World by one Day...
After 43 years of marriage my husband can still surprise me. Today was such a day. We had made plans to finish our Christmas shopping today. After coffee and a weather report we headed out the door. I thought we were going to Fulton. When we reached the overpass and turned onto I-70, I asked Tommy why we were going the long way to Fulton. He replied, "We aren't going to Fulton." Crap!! He's changed his mind I thought. Then he spoke words I never in a hundred million years expected to hear come out of his mouth, "We are going to Columbia to the mall."
I was drinking a sip of coffee and nearly spewed all over the dash. I said "We are going where???" He repeated, "To the mall"
The plot thickens, he said smiling, "We are going to get your Christmas present. Besides I want you to see how pretty the mall is". I had forgotten he took a friend of ours over there to sign up for the military. I was shocked, speechless and wondered who took over Tommy's body last night while we slept.....and I wondered how much money this new man had:)
True to his word, we were at the Mall in about 30 minutes. We beat the craziness by about an hour. People were still doing their morning exercise walks. Others were sitting on benches drinking coffee and reading the newspapers. Santa had arrived and little children were getting their pictures made. Everywhere I looked were bright lights, 12 feet reindeer, Christmas trees and flowers. It was commercialization at its best. I have to admit it was beautiful.

We did the next best thing. We made pictures in one of those little booths where you get the pictures instantly. The last time we did this was 40 years ago. It was simple to operate. We put our quarter in and posed silly and the photos slipped out of a slot in a minute or so. I still have those pictures somewhere.
Today's experience was totally different. What used to cost 25 cents now costs $5.00 and is all computerized. So you have a pretty good idea how this one went. Tommy doesn't know anything about computers and on a good day I am scary at best.
We sat down on the little bench....and I do mean little. Of course we are neither lean or 20 so we took up all the room and then some. We put the $5.00 in too soon. There were lots of gadgets to read, push, pull and look into. We picked a Christmas photo background. We never knew when the pictures were taken. Out of 9 photos, we received 3 and they look like mug shots. Tommy is looking up in the air saying something and apparently I am trying to see what he is talking about. It was a total waste of $5.00 and worth every memory we made. We were laughing so hard at the mess we had made when we finally received our photos.
The booth was located in front of a massage store. A little oriental girl was standing in the door watching us. I asked her a few questions but she wasn't any help. When the pictures were done, she ran over to see how they turned out. After looking at them she laughed and said, "No, No good pictures---you need a massage". She was right but today wasn't a day for a massage.
Tommy picked up my present and soon we were ready to go back to Fulton and finish our shopping. Today was fun!!! It was a memory making kind of day.
As I was riding back to Fulton I remember thinking, " The Mayans missed the end of the world by one day." When Tommy Carter volunteers to go to the Mall shopping-- there is something big going on in the universe. I still have 59 minutes to see what happens. I am betting I go to bed and sleep like a baby. Not a bad way to end an era or a good day.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Some Things are not for Sale.....
We were in Jacksonville, Florida for a long weekend. It was just the two of us. Tommy had gone to the pier to fish and I wanted to explore a street we had passed when we entered the city. It was filled with craft shops, ice cream stands, coffee houses and pawn shops. Places I seek out when on vacation.
The day was so hot and humid, everyone I saw was sweating profusely, especially me. For a few minutes I wished I had stayed at the beach. At least I could dive in the Atlantic Ocean and cool off. That was my next plan as soon as I checked out this one particular street.
The beginning of the street was a step back into the deep South, a long, slow walk into the past. Begonia's of every color stood in flower pots, hung from planters and grew in flower beds. Ferns were growing in huge pots hanging from street lamps. Some of the ferns measured two feet in width. The street was awash in life and color and palm trees. Petunias joined the begonias as well as marigolds. Bird of Paradise plants grew tall and stately. The colors of red, yellow, purple, orange and green set the cracked sidewalk ablaze.
The street began to slowly decay the farther I walked. There was one shop at the end of the street I wanted to see. The name on the sign hanging in front of the pawn shop read, "The Last Chance". The little store was a weathered yellow color badly in need of a new coat of paint. The shutters painted hunter green were peeling in the heat. The owner had pots of flowers and herbs on either side of the entry door. Rosemary for remembrance. Red geraniums planted for friendship, with yellow daisies planted for hope. Ivy mixed and mingled with the other plants, living up to it's legend for friendship.
I paused as I entered the shop, the air conditioning took my breath. The coolness was mixed with the aroma of cinnamon tea brewing somewhere out of sight. The shop was lit with hand painted glass lamps. No two were alike. One side of the room was filled with books. Two rocking chairs sat in front of the walled bookcases. A round table with a tapestry tablecloth separated the two chairs. Asleep in the first rocking chair was a calico cat. The room was dated but very inviting.
The owner came out to greet me. She parted two long gathered curtains of red and yellow calico material to make her entrance. At once I was struck by her beauty and with the feeling that everything I was looking at was a reflection of her life.
She was a small woman with hair the color of cotton in late August. Her eyes were watery and brown. She wore small round gold glasses. She dabbed her eyes continually with a white linen handkerchief as she talked. It was hard to define her age. She was elderly but nothing about her told her age. She could have been anywhere from 70 to a 100. The lady was delightful to look at and talk to. She was standing behind a jewelry case watching me look at her valuables. I found a gold locket and chain that I really liked. I asked her if I could take a closer look at the locket. She hesitated for a minute and said, "Honey, you don't really want that locket."
I was surprised by her answer, wondering why it was in the case if it was not for sale. I told her that I did indeed like the locket and would like to purchase it if the price was right. She hesitated and again said in her soft southern drawl, "Honey, you really don't want this locket." I was baffled and asked her why she didn't want to sell it to me.
At first I thought she hadn't heard what I said, she took so long to answer and then she began to tell her story. She was talking but not to me. She was reliving a memory I had disturbed.
She told me I did not want to purchase a piece of jewelry that had belonged to someone who had taken her own life. She said it was bad luck and she did not wish me " ill will." We were both silent for awhile. She was lost in her thoughts, I was trying to digest what she had just said. I wondered who had been wearing the necklace when she took her own life. I didn't ask the lady. For some reason, I think it would have made her cry.
I should have excused myself and left but I wondered what would happen to the necklace when the owner of the shop was gone. There was no price tag on it, nothing to show it could be reclaimed by family members. I asked her what she would do with it. She smiled a faraway smile and said, "Everything will be auctioned off when I am gone. Someone, somewhere will buy this locket and all of it's problems, but it won't be today and it won't be you."
I turned around to leave when I heard her say in a barely audible voice, "God have mercy on their soul, is all I can say." Then she turned and walked through the curtains. I felt a chill in the air as I opened the door and stepped out into the heat. Completely opposite to what I should have felt.
Hurriedly I made my way to the car and back to the pier and Tommy. I really needed a hug to get rid of this odd, cold feeling that had attached itself to my heart. The drive was nice. The sun was about to set leaving vivid strips of color roaming across the sky. Slowly the odd feeling left. When I reached the pier Tommy wanted to know about my day. I started to tell him my story but stopped. This wasn't the time or the place. I told him I would tell him later. I never did.
Today I tell the story. For some reason I can't explain I think the old lady died this weekend. I wonder who will buy the locket?
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