Saturday, December 29, 2012

Another Year of Resolutions...

I am a list maker from way back. I don't know how anyone manages their life without a list. As 2013 is fast approaching I find myself making my New Year's Resolution's.   However, just because I make a resolution does not mean I follow through with it. It means I thought about it for awhile, decided it was a good idea to pursue. Actually took the time to write it down and then, in all probability, tried it for 3 days only to discover that it takes a lot of discipline to accomplish any goal or change in life.  That is where the hick up resides in my life---discipline. It is not in my style to be disciplined. I even have trouble spelling the word 'discipline'. For the past 15 minutes, my first paragraph has been high lighted in yellow by 'spell check'. I have spelled discipline every way but the right way. Finally 'spell check' gave up on me, that is when I had to drag out the dictionary. Got it 'discipline' does not come easy to me in any form.

I usually keep my New Year's Resolutions List from one year to the next. The first 3 items on the list never change. Every year I write things I hope will change and every year I get the same results.

                        1. Loose weight---since I retired  in 2009 I have packed on 20 extra pounds in addition to the other 20 pounds I was already dragging around.  I have to get serious about this and regain control of my body before it is too late.  Here is my loop hole "define too late".  I can always make excuses such as "I am tall, I can handle it"  Pure Vicky B.S.  I am not that tall and I have shrunk over the past 2 years. Hmmmm  Once again this year, loose weight heads my list.

                       2. Exercise daily. Walk at least 2 miles a day. No excuse on this one. Right??? I live in the country, I live 3 miles down a gravel road, I should be able to do this. This sounds easy and even mind soothing, unless you live here. In a perfect world, I would be out in nature, camera in hand, breathing in fresh air, walking at my own pace,  extending my life span.  Really???  Walking on my road is taking your life in your hands.  Everyone in the country and I do mean everyone,  drives 40 miles an hour down the middle of the road, slinging rocks everywhere. If the pickup trucks miss me and the road grader manages to not screw up the road before I can get home, I still have to contend with the UPS guy. If I didn't know better I would swear that someone has put a contract out on me and the UPS man intends to collect! 

                    3.  Get published!!  In order to do this I have to actually get my short stories or essays to the publisher.  That involves moving my 'stuff' from my computer to the publisher's computer. Children can do this. For some reason, it escapes me. I have tried. Joey, Tami's boyfriend has written instructions on how to do this. They sit to my right as I type this, always close at hand.  I have tried to send Joey 'practice' stories. I have tried, and tried. Lord knows I have tried and yet as far as I know, no one has received a single thing from me.  Fear not I have a plan. I want to see my name in print. I have all of 2013 to get this done. I am full of stories and I love to write.  However, if the last week o2013 rolls around and my name is not in print----I am putting in an extra phone line at our house and it will be listed in the new phone book under 'Vicky Carter, author' !!!! My name will be in print, in a book--one way or the other:)

There are many more resolutions on my list. Trips to take, people to meet and stories to write. I am anxious for 2013 to begin. I am motivated and ready to start my new adventures. However, it is still 2012 and I have already shot all my resolutions in the foot for this year,  so I might as well finish eating the last piece of cheesecake, while reading "Godspeed" by February Grace. I will be sitting in my favorite blue recliner as I enjoy both of these luxuries. I will be sipping my favorite beverage--coffee,  from my treasured  'Badass Coffee cup', I bought in Florida.  If I get sleepy, well I can take a nap. After all I am going to need my strength and stamina built up for my new lifestyle in 2013.....right! 

I wish you all a very Happy New Year, filled with your heart's desires. I thank God for each and everyone of you who share your time reading my blog. I love you for it. Cheers.....                                      

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