Things changed for us this year. I doubt if we ever put the huge tree up again. This isn't a bad thing for us either. To do that we have to rearrange the living room and truthfully we like the room the way it is. So we decided to buy a small 4 or 5 foot prelit tree. We placed it on the coffee table in front of our living room window, where my plants usually stay. It is still 'Christmasy looking' just more subtle than usual.
Tommy can still look out the window and I get a tree. When I put it together it vaguely resembled Charlie Brown's tree. Maybe a little bit prettier. I put it up in 5 minutes--hook two parts together, plug the tree in. Done. Our old decorations were too much for the tree. Instead we bought small gold and blue balls, gold beads and put the traditional candy canes on for the children who come to our house. Finally it looked pretty to me. Tommy could care less, every time I walk out of the room, he unplugs it. Without saying a word, when I enter the room, I plug that puppy back up. This will go on until Christmas is over. No problem, I can live with that, as long as the plug in stays in good condition.
When Christmas is over I think I will divide up our old Christmas decorations and give them to the girls. We have a life time of memories for a huge tree. The girls all have big trees and now it is time for them to have their ornaments. The only one I am keeping and putting on our tree is the Christmas bells from our wedding. They are a little rugged looking but they mean the world to me. They belong on my tree.
So far I have ordered most of our presents. Tommy really hasn't felt like shopping and he is a bear to take Christmas shopping when he feels good---so I can only imagine how this one will go. Wednesday I will find out. That is the designated "We are going Christmas shopping Tommy, because it is almost Christmas and we have nothing much under the tree ." Believe it or not, he really does want to go....I think.
Originally I was only going to buy presents made in the USA. Good luck with that one. I am still trying and I did find a few things, however 90% of the things I have looked at were made in China. I didn't tell Tommy but our Christmas tree was made in China. I didn't know it until we got it home and put up. As I was folding up the box there is was....bigger than a bird "Made in China"
Speaking of birds, we had a bat in our house late this afternoon. I am not lying or stretching the truth. I don't know where it had been hiding or if it flew in when we were bringing in wood. All I know for sure was the bird was buzzing all around my writing room. I was shooing it out the door, Sabella was trying to eat it and Tommy turned up "Judge Judy" another octave to drown out me and Sabella. I wanted confirmation that it was a bat.
If I were an Indian I would be burning sage to get rid of the bad vibes bats bring in. I asked you know who, if we had any sage in the back yard. I think I planted some last Spring. Tommy thinks I am crazy....he told me so just a few minutes ago...for the millionth time in our marriage. Apparently he does not believe in the power of sage. I guess I will have to drag out the movie, "The Missing", to prove my point.
I was trying to remember what a bat in the house means.I can't remember however, I think it would be funny and serve Tommy right if that bat got back in our house and slept upside down on a Christmas tree branch by Tommy's chair. I bet he would get up and move then...and fast too. I am thrilled he is feeling so much better.
Sabella is woofing at the door, she wants back in. Sandy just waddled across the floor to the door, she wants out. Tommy wants dinner and I want a shower. This has the makings of a good night. It really does. We have laughed a lot today and that makes me happy.
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