Thursday, September 13, 2012

Remembering Neil Armstrong...

Last night I sat up until almost 12:30 trying to find a letter I wrote to Tommy 43 years ago.  I read and laughed at the things I had written when I was 19 or 20, however I never did find the letter. I gave up and went to bed. 

I remember the day I wrote the letter. It was July. I was working for Granddaddy while his secretary was on vacation. He asked me to help him for a couple of weeks.  All I had to do was answer the phone, take messages and not screw up the business. I could do that!

Granddaddy had a t.v. in the outer office where I was sitting.  I asked him if I could watch t.v. because Apollo 11 was landing on the moon. He said, "Sure" and went back into his office.  I don't remember if I was watching it in real time or prerecorded. All I remember was being glued to the set. I could not imagine that I was actually going to see Neil Armstrong walk on the moon.

Tommy and I had just started seeing each other after a two year breakup.  We were serious about each other from the first date. As I watched the news, I wanted to share what I was seeing with him. I remember Granddaddy came out of his office and wanted to know how long it was going to take "for that guy to walk on the moon". I think he wanted the t.v. off. I told him, "not long but this is history in the making."  I really wanted to see this. He went back inside his office for the second time, closing the door.

The phone rang only a couple of times. Grandaddy took his calls and I felt important:) While waiting for the 'walk' I started writing Tommy. I remember the letter was long and detailed.

July 21,1969 I heard words that I will never forget. "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."  I wrote them to Tommy. I ran to Granddaddy's office. I wanted him to see the walk for himself. He was as impressed as I was. We stood there, not saying a word, amazed to see an American walk on the moon.

When the American flag was placed in the moon, we both applauded to an empty office, a grandfather and his granddaughter sharing a historic moment. It was an awesome feeling. A proud moment. Today I listened to the eulogy spoken for Neil Armstrong. It was very moving, touching and well deserved. It was given by the last astronaut to walk on the moon.  I hate to admit this, I had no clue who he was. I don't even remember his mission in space. My how times have changed!  We live in a fast paced world, where the extraordinary becomes common and mundane. However for the first time in history,  I watched a man walk on the moon and place the American flag. For that I will be grateful. Rest in peace Neil Armstrong---you made history.



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